ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Apllied psychology in contemporary Russia
National Psychological Journal p. 15-19 2010. , 2.
Noskova, O.G.
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A changing child in a changing world: psychological and educational problems of the new school
National Psychological Journal p. 6-11 2010. , 2.
Feldshtein, David I.
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"Flower Drawing of Family Members" projective technique in psychological counseling
National Psychological Journal p. 133-137 2011. , 1.
Lebedevа, Ludmila D.
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Psychological conditions of developing creative abilities in children
National Psychological Journal p. 126-132 2011. , 1.
Tyutyunnik, Vladimir I.
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New specialist area in psychology
National Psychological Journal p. 119-123 2011. , 1.
Zinchenko, Yu.P. Volodarskaya Ina A.
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From kindergarten education to secondary school education: Parent view
National Psychological Journal p. 111-118 2011. , 1.
Sobkin, V.S. Ivanova, Anna I. Skobeltsyna, Ksenia N.
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Program of development of universal educational actions in high school
National Psychological Journal p. 104-110 2011. , 1.
Asmolov, A.G. Burmenskaya Galina V. Volodarskaya Ina A. Karabanova, O.A. Molchanov Sergei V. Salmina, N.G.
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How Space supports the Spirit of an earthly human
National Psychological Journal p. 100-103 2011. , 1.
Ponomarenko, Vladimir A.
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Body-space environment of the spacecraft cabin
National Psychological Journal p. 93-99 2011. , 1.
Zefeld, Viktor V.
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On the "Immunity" of the operator
National Psychological Journal p. 90-92 2011. , 1.
Gorbov, Fedor D.
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