ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал



motivational orientation



Sobkin V.S., Kalashnikova E.A. (2018). Attitude to supplementary education in students of the secondary and high school: social and psychological aspects. National Psychological Journal. 1, 63-76.

Background. The research of the student attitude to the system of supplementary education is of  paramount importance as it is the system of supplementary education where the adolescent tries to implement specific "cultural tests" that allow him/her to obtain an inverse social reaction regarding his/her personal success (success as a subject of activity).

The Objectives of the research are as follows: 1. Determining the influence of age, social demographic factors on the involvement of adolescents in the system of supplementary education is the objective of the research. 2. Defining the motives determining the occupations of students of the secondary and high schools in the circles, studios, sections. 3. Studying the influence of the student involement in the system of supplementary education on their studies.

Research Progress. The paper presents the results of the research carried out by the Center for the Sociology of Education of the IEM RAE in October-November, 2017. The sample includes 11,803 school students of 7-11th grades of the Leningrad region, Russia. Questions concerning the student involvement in the system of supplementary education, paid vs free school classes in various circles, studios, sections, preferences of certain areas of supplementary education, variety of motives that make students get interested in different types of extra classes are discussed. The influence of extra classes on the studying activities (academic success, student status in the classroom, peculiarities of motives involved).

Research Results. In the system of supplementary education, every second student of the secondary and high school is engaged. The educational status and financial position of the student's parents influence his/her involvement in the system of supplementary education. The influence of macro-indicators (settlement factor) is marked as preference in the field of studies and also within the payment strategy of the educational services provided. Among the main motives for attending classes there are the following ones: broadening the horizons, assessing the abilities and opportunities.

Conclusion. The most important motive that causes adolescent interest in various types of jobs and occupations in the system of supplementary education is to catch up with the lack of knowledge obtained in school. The student’s involvement in the system of supplementary education also sets a positive vector for his/her development as subject of the studying activity. 

Received: 01/24/2018

Accepted: 02/10/2018

Pages: 63-76

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0106

Keywords: modern adolescent; extra training of schoolchildren; paid - free classes; motivational orientation; motivation; learning activity; demographic and socio-stratification factors;

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Available Online: 03/30/2018

Kapustin S.A. (2017). The contribution of W. James to the understanding of personality as a psychological reality. National Psychological Journal. 1, 64-71.

There are more than a dozen of personality theories in psychology currently. However, among psychologists there is no general agreement in understanding personality as a psychological reality, i.e. the agreement of phenomena opened to introspection and the facts established by observing the activity of the subject and his/her products, all together designated by the term «personality». The authors of these theories are dealing with very different phenomena and facts, sometimes not quite compatible ones, making impossible comparative analysis based on the criterion of adequacy, designed to assess the extent to which the scientific theory corresponds to the psychological reality explained by it.

Thus, it is useful to turn to the analysis of William James’s works in order to clarify the issue of the psychological reality of the person who according to the author did the most thorough job of identifying the basic phenomena and facts that need be referred to using the term «personality». The results of this study allowed to draw the following conclusions.

From James’s point of view, the psychological reality of personality must include the phenomenon of personal ego and the fact of hierarchically organized motivational sphere that has been developed as a result of individual’s self-determination. James’s representations have withstood the test of time, they were in demand by a number of renowned theorists of personality especially those that considered consciousness as a subject matter of scientific psychology. Perpetual interest in James’s concept of personality among theorists turns to be quite durable in time and is a subject matter of psychological reality.

Received: 01/07/2017

Accepted: 02/15/2017

Pages: 64-71

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0108

Keywords: James’s personality theory; psychological reality of personality; ego; motivational orientation; conscious self-determination;

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Available Online: 03/30/2017

Abdullaeva M. M., Kienya O. S. (2010). Features of motivational orientation of hospice health professionals.National Psychological Journal,1(3), 76-79

In the article the psychological study of specific motivational sphere of health workers at hospice — special institutions providing care to patients who are at an incurable stage of disease is described. The results showed that two "qualitatively" different groups of workers on the degree of satisfaction with their work can be singled out, for which different motivating factors are functioning.

Pages: 76-79

Keywords: health care workers; hospice; professional activity; motivational orientation; job satisfaction; emotional burnout; personality characteristics;

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Abdullaeva M. M.,Kienya O. S.(2010). Features of motivational orientation of hospice health professionals.National Psychological Journal,2(4), 80-86

In the article the psychological study of specific motivational sphere of health workers at hospice - special institutions providing care to patients who are at an incurable stage of disease is described. The results showed that two "qualitatively" different groups of workers on the degree of satisfaction with their work can be singled out, for which different motivating factors are functioning.

Pages: 80-86

Keywords: health care workers; hospice; professional activity; motivational orientation; job satisfaction; emotional burnout; personality characteristics;

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