ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Subjective Well-Being and Career Orientations of Adolescents with the Signs of Giftedness in Different Areas of Activity
National Psychological Journal p. 41-55 2024. , 1.
Malyonova, A.Yu. Potapova, Yu.V. Malenov, A.A. Potapov, A.K.
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Value and Meaning Determinants of Professional Responsibility in Ordinary Representations of Russians
National Psychological Journal p. 56-76 2024. , 1.
Zhuravlev, A.L. Zinchenko, Yu. P. Kitova, J. A. Pervacheva, O.A.
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Contextual and Individual-Personal Predictors of Russians’ Adaptation in Estonia and Kyrgyzstan
National Psychological Journal p. 77-89 2024. , 1.
Trifonova, A.V. Lebedeva N.M.
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Approaches to Professional Self-Determination in Social Psychology
National Psychological Journal p. 90-100 2024. , 1.
Cheremenskaia, M.A.
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Development and Approbation of a Questionnaire for Subjective Assessment of the Level of Work Tasks Regulation
National Psychological Journal p. 101-113 2024. , 1.
Korneva, O.G. Abdullaeva, M.M. Barabanshchikova, V.V.
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University Staff Well-Being and Various Psychological Aspects of their Professional Activity
National Psychological Journal p. 114-129 2024. , 1.
Denisova, E.G. Bovdui, D.A. Gosteva, A.O.
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Development of a meta-resource for the life success in police officers using professional and personal growth training
National Psychological Journal p. 131-143 2024. , 1.
Semenova, N.A.
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Assessment of Imagination in Senior Preschoolers by Educators
National Psychological Journal p. 148-164 2023. , 4.
Bukhalenkova, D. A. Almazova O.V. Gavrilova, M.N.
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Subjective Well-Being of Students with Alexithymia in the Context of Development of their Emotional Competencies during the COVID-19 Pandemic
National Psychological Journal p. 165-176 2023. , 4.
Belasheva Irina V. Pavel N. Ermakov
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Smartphones in Everyday School Life of Adolescents: Participant Observation Study
National Psychological Journal p. 177-187 2023. , 4.
Yaroshevskaya Svetlana V. Sysoeva Tatiana A.
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