ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал



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Panov V.I. (2011). Paradoxes of learning mental ability and approaches to overcoming these paradoxes.National Psychological Journal,1(5), 50-54

The author explores the issue: What does psychology study? Does it study the human psyche? He argues about the product of mental activity. Different views on the subject of scientific psychology, the human psyche and its manifestations are considered.

Pages: 50-54

Keywords: the subject of psychology; psyche; mental activity; mental processes; psychology as a subject and object of research; the products of the human psyche; the study of the human psyche;

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Zinchenko Yu.P. (2011). Methodological problems of basic and applied psychological research.National Psychological Journal,1(5), 42-49

The research held by the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State Lomonosov University which is constantly developing new approaches based on classical theories of the international and national psychology. The methodology development of psychological research as a condition for apprehending the knowledge accumulated and the process of learning are analyzed.

Pages: 42-49

Keywords: methodological problems of psychology; organizational structure of psychological research;

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Aguzumtsyan R. V., Khachatryan N.G. (2012). The study of spirituality phenomenon in the context of religious knowledge and psychological science. National Psychological Journal, 1(7), 74-80

The ideas about spirituality, which have developed in different philosophic theories as well as various religious faiths of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. are considered. A comparative analysis of religious traditions concerning spiritual quest and aspirations of a human being is given. The similarity of the religious understanding of man’s spiritual growth and psychological characteristics of a holistic, psychologically mature and healthy personality existing in the different theories of personality.

Pages: 74-80

Keywords: spirituality; spiritual growth; spiritual development; moral development; “I-concept”; human development; religious ideas; religious faiths; Christianity; Judaism; Sufism; religious philosophy; psychology of personality;

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