ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Национальный психологический журнал






Eskov Valery M., Filatov Mikhail A., Streltsova Tatiana V., Zinchenko Yuriy P. (2016). Stress reaction to cooling: entropic and chaotic estimation.National Psychological Journal. 1, 45-52.

The local limb cooling provides the special psychophysiology reaction as alteration of tremor parameters. Shannon’s entropy after limb cooling is researched. The efficacy of such approaches for quantity estimation according to Eskov-Zinchenko effect at biomechanics is presented. Entropy E value and quasi-attractor parameters for one person with multi repetition of tremor registration (N=225 repetition) is shown. All these 15 samples with 15 series (registration of tremorogramm of one person) present the stable value of E and quasi-attractor sequence for 225 repetitions. When the Lorenz attractors demonstrate mixing property the invariant means correspond the determined chaos. But the stress perturbation (5 min. cooling of limb in water t = 5 ºС) does not change the E value. Three groups of subjects do not present the distinction between groups without stress and after cooling of limb. So it is necessary to construct the new theory for cooling stress (not stochastic approach) in psychophysiology. The new approaches is realized according to the new theory of self-organization chaos. As a result, E entropy parameters are not obtained while the quasi-attractor (S) parameter for termograms differ significantly. This proves the uniqueness of self-organization chaos theory, and opens up new opportunities to use this new theory in psychology and psychophysiology. Objective evaluation of stress – the human response to external agents – is a very difficult task for the quantitative description and simulation. As part of chaos theory self-organizing it now becomes possible. In this case, Eskov-Zinchenko effect will be recorded only regarding quasi-attractors and matrix of pairwise comparison of samples with the calculation of k matches.

Received: 12/20/2015

Accepted: 12/27/2015

Pages: 45-52

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2016.0106

Keywords: tremor; chaos; entropy; quasi-attractors; cooling stress;

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Available Online: 07/06/2016