ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Merkurieva Yulia A.

Merkurieva Yulia A.

Merkurieva Yulia A.

Web: Личная страница


Affiliation: Moscow State Medical Dental University

Teacher of the Department of psychological counseling, psychotherapy and psychotherapy of the Moscow state medical and dental University named after A. I. Evdokimov
Moscow, Russia.


Psychological features and social adaptation of internet-addicted adolescents and adolescents with cannabinoid addiction
National Psychological Journal p. 90-97 2018. , 3.
Malygin Vladimir L. Merkurieva Yulia A. Shevchenko Yuri S. Malygin Yaroslav V. Ponomareva Maria V.
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