ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Volov, Vyacheslav T.

Volov, Vyacheslav T.

Volov, Vyacheslav T.

Academic rank: Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education

Degree: Doctor of Pedagogics, Social Sciences, Physics and Mathematics, Engineering, Economical Sciences

Doctor in Education, Doctor of Social Sciences, Doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, technical, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of RAE, Director of the Samara branch of the Modern humanitarian Academy.
Samara, Russia


Innovative method for assessing neuropsychological status based on entropy approach
National Psychological Journal p. 64-71 2019. , 4.
Volov, Vsevolod V. Volov, Vyacheslav T.
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Research of psycho-emotional stability in the basal emotions matrix
National Psychological Journal p. 98-107 2016. , 2.
Volov, Vyacheslav T. Volov, Vsevolod V.
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