ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Längle Alfried

Längle Alfried

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8739-1806

Web: Личная страница


Academic rank: Professor

Degree: Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Philosophy

Affiliation: HSE University; International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis

Vienna, Austria
Department of Psychology, Moscow, Russia


Without feeling? I am not there! On human’s reaching out for life
National Psychological Journal p. 39-53 2020. , 2.
Längle Alfried
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Consent to addiction. Existential Analytical Approach
National Psychological Journal p. 47-59 2019. , 3.
Längle Alfried
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Psychotherapeutic work with hope in the existential analytical paradigm
National Psychological Journal p. 16-22 2019. , 1.
Längle Alfried
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Why do we suffer? Understanding, treatment and processing of suffering in terms of existential analysis.
National Psychological Journal p. 23-33 2016. , 2.
Längle Alfried
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Existential analytic understanding of emotion: theory and practice.
National Psychological Journal p. 26-38 2015. , 1.
Längle Alfried
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