ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Economic Psychology (Status, Development, Educational Prospects)
National Psychological Journal p. 110-113 2006. , 1.
Dayneka, Olga S.
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Intelligence and Creativity of Students in Innovative Learning
National Psychological Journal p. 107-109 2006. , 1.
Kornilova, T.V.
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Where and How to Train Special Psychologists: Experience of a Private University
National Psychological Journal p. 105-106 2006. , 1.
Shipizina, Lyudmila M.
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Training of Social Psychologist at the Department of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University
National Psychological Journal p. 102-104 2006. , 1.
Stefanenko, Tatiana G.
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The Quality of the Modern Practice Psychologists Training
National Psychological Journal p. 97-101 2006. , 1.
Yasukova, Lyudmila A.
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Russian-American Research of Psychologists at Work: Towards the Establishment of Professional Standards of Performance and Training
National Psychological Journal p. 88-96 2006. , 1.
Sergei. A. Manichev Mileshkina, Yuliya Yu.
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Myths of Distant Past
National Psychological Journal p. 85-87 2006. , 1.
Borinskaya, Svetlana A.
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Ontopsychology: History and Modernity
National Psychological Journal p. 79-84 2006. , 1.
Dmitrieva, Viktoriya A. Grishina N. V.
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Applied Psychology and Organizational Design
National Psychological Journal p. 69-78 2006. , 1.
Grachev, Aleksandr A.
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Psychology of Security as the Direction of Psychological Science and Practice
National Psychological Journal p. 66-68 2006. , 1.
Baeva, Irina A.
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