ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Development of a short version of the dual process model scales
National Psychological Journal p. 30-44 2017. , 4.
Grigoryev, Dmitry S.
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Relationship between the framing effect and individual differences in medical students
National Psychological Journal p. 17-29 2017. , 4.
Kornilova, T.V. Pavlova, Elizaveta M. Krasavtseva, Yuliya V. Razvalyaeva, Anna U.
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Professional activity of the researcher in the field of education: features of planning, resources for implementation, satisfaction with the results
National Psychological Journal p. 5-16 2017. , 4.
Sobkin, V.S. Andreeva, Anna I. Rzaeva, Fatima R.
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All-Russian psychological forum
National Psychological Journal p. 4 2017. , 4.
Zinchenko, Yu. P.
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Moscow Lomonosov University psychologists at the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students
National Psychological Journal p. 3 2017. , 4.
Zinchenko, Yu. P.
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Principles of managed intellectual activity in training psychologists
National Psychological Journal p. 151-157 2017. , 3.
Zakharova Elena I.
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Guidance methods in psychological «spaces» of self-determination
National Psychological Journal p. 144-150 2017. , 3.
Pryazhnikov, Nikolai S.
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How to develop the internal responsibility according to P.Ya. Galperin’s concept
National Psychological Journal p. 136-143 2017. , 3.
Molchanov Sergei V.
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Ideals and anti-ideals students of the basic and senior school
National Psychological Journal p. 121-135 2017. , 3.
Sobkin, V.S. Kalashnikova, Ekaterina A.
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The activity approach to the psychological support of the 1st year university students
National Psychological Journal p. 113-120 2017. , 3.
Rozhdestvenskaya N.A.
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