ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Ideas about the Characteristics of Responsibility in Adolescents
National Psychological Journal p. 36-46 2024. , 2.
Baranova, V.A. Dubovskaya, E.M. Savina, O.O.
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Psychological Issues in the Development and Implementation of VR Technologies in the System of Medical Education
National Psychological Journal p. 47-59 2024. , 2.
Buzina, T.S. Kotelnikova, A.V. Shalina, O.S. Denisov, A.A. Kolosov, Yu.A. Gorbunova, Yu.V. Kurkin, D.V. Mursalov, I.J.
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Demoralization in the Context of Differential Diagnosis of Mental States in Severely Ill Patients with Hazard of Death
National Psychological Journal p. 60-67 2024. , 2.
Panfilov, A.Yu.
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Development of a Set of fMRI Paradigms to Detect the “Covert Cognition” Phenomenon: Neuropsychological Aspects
National Psychological Journal p. 68-80 2024. , 2.
Cherkasova, A.N. Yatsko, K.A. Kovyazina, M.S. Varako, N.A. Kremneva, E.I. Ryabinkina, Yu.V. Suponeva, N.A. Piradov, M.A.
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Media Consumption as a Factor in Young Women Turning to Clinics of Aesthetic Medicine
National Psychological Journal p. 81-98 2024. , 2.
Martynov, S.E. Arina, G.A.
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Typical Personal Prerequisites for the Problems of Clients in psychotherapy and its Purpose in the Works of S. Freud and A. Adler from the Perspective of an Integrative Approach
National Psychological Journal p. 99-108 2024. , 2.
Kapustin, S.A.
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Competence in the Context of Subject-Environment Interactions: Experience of Theoretical Comprehension
National Psychological Journal p. 109-120 2024. , 2.
Panyukova, Yu.G. Alexandrova, E.S.
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Hardness of Personality and the Big Five Traits
National Psychological Journal p. 121-130 2024. , 2.
Postnikova, M.I. Pischik, V.I. Sivrikova, N.V. Miklyaeva, A.V.
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Psychometric Properties of a Russian Version of the Comprehensive Scale of Intellectual Humility
National Psychological Journal p. 131-142 2024. , 2.
Zhdanova, Yu.A. Shchebetenko, S.A.
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Gender Differences in the Relationships Between Empathic Tendencies, Dark Triad Traits and Personality Traits in Student Actors
National Psychological Journal p. 143-149 2024. , 2.
Sobkin, V.S. Savchenko, N.L. Siyan, M.V. Yakovleva, M.A.
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