ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Virtual reality technology in the context of world and national psychology: methodological aspects, achievements and prospects
National Psychological Journal p. 64-71 2010. , 2.
Zinchenko, Yu.P. Menshikova, G.Ya. Bayakovsky Yu.M. Chernorizov, А.М. Voiskounsky Alexandr E.
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The 5th Congress of the Russian Psychological Society
National Psychological Journal p. 46-54 2012. , 2.
Zinchenko, Yu.P. Zhuravlev, A.L. Sergienko, Elena A. Kovaleva Yu.V.
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TV announcement: information or manipulation?
National Psychological Journal p. 60-63 2010. , 2.
Maligina, Lidiya E.
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Psychological ambiguity of the concept of violence
National Psychological Journal p. 56-59 2010. , 2.
Tkhostov, A.Sh.
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Modern terrorism and the problem of motivation of suicide bombers
National Psychological Journal p. 52-55 2010. , 2.
Sosnin V.A.
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Terrorism as a radical response to the global crisis of identity
National Psychological Journal p. 47-51 2010. , 2.
Emelin, V.A.
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Psychological consequences of terrorism and the role of mass media in the process of their formation
National Psychological Journal p. 41-46 2010. , 2.
Enikolopov, S.N. Mkrtchyan, Areg A.
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On the role of psychology in the prevention of terrorism
National Psychological Journal p. 37-40 2010. , 2.
Aleksandr G. Karayany
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Sovereignty and democracy in Russia amid modern transitions in the world system
National Psychological Journal p. 30-36 2010. , 2.
Botchkova, Mariya S.
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Social intelligence in complex social systems: evolutionary precursors, levels,forms and tpes
National Psychological Journal p. 22-29 2010. , 2.
Chesnokova, Olga B. Eugene V. Subbotsky
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