ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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The concept of personality and character based on the activity theory of A. Leontiev
National Psychological Journal p. 3-12 2015. , 4.
Borozdina Lidia V.
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The strategic partnership between the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of Education.
National Psychological Journal p. 24 2015. , 3.
Zinchenko, Yu. P.
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Disease representation in children and its mediating role in the therapeutic work with patient children.
National Psychological Journal p. 105-116 2015. , 3.
Kharkovskiy, Arkady N.
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Procrastination phenomenon in the activities of athletes of individual and team sports.
National Psychological Journal p. 91-104 2015. , 3.
Barabanshchikova, V.V. Ostanina, Maria V. Klimova, Oxana A.
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Psychological issues of the Russian sport (towards the 31st Summer Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
National Psychological Journal p. 81-90 2015. , 3.
Morozov, Alexander V.
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Dissociation in the phenomenological perspective (in athletes and representatives of extreme careers)
National Psychological Journal p. 74-80 2015. , 3.
Vlasik, Anastasia S. Korshunov, Alexey V.
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Features of organization and provision of emergency
National Psychological Journal p. 67-73 2015. , 3.
Shoigu, Yu.S. Pyzhyanova, Larisa G. Portnova, Julia M.
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Attitude to privacy and protection of personal data: safety of Russian children and teenagers.
National Psychological Journal p. 56-66 2015. , 3.
Galina U. Soldatova Olkina, Oxana I.
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Studies of the body image in various psychological approaches.
National Psychological Journal p. 45-55 2015. , 3.
Ailamazyan Aida M. Kaminskaya, Natalia A.
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Determination of cognitive development: postnonclassical theoretical model.
National Psychological Journal p. 35-44 2015. , 3.
Pogozhina, Irina N.
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