Background. The development of psychological practices has emerged such promising method for evaluating and transforming the value semantic sphere of the individual as film therapy. However, the wide dissemination of the method is held up by insufficient knowledge of the mechanisms that make up its psychological impact. The urgent task is to elaborate on the projective method for diagnosing the value semantic sphere of the individual by means of artistic cinematography, and also to develop the technologies for quasi-forming and learning technique.
The Objective is to analyze the possibilities of using film therapy for solving psychotherapeutic, diagnostic, correctional, and developmental problems.
Design. The theoretical bases of film therapy as a kind of art therapy are considered, similarities and differences with bibliotherapy are emphasized. The paper discusses the development of film therapy as a method with a wide range of tasks from coping with emotional disturbances and restoring the balance of psychodynamic forces to a wide array of issues including optimizing personal development and education. Psychological impact mechanisms in the process of cinema therapy, i.e. projection, identification with the hero, reflection, catharsis, social learning are analyzed. Basic methods of personal transformation used in film therapy are singled out. Basic topics for group and individual discussion after watching a feature film are identified. The results of a pilot study that proved the high efficiency of the film therapy method in pregnant women are presented.
Research results. Based on the analysis of the psychological practice using artistic cinematography as a method of psychological influence the following tips should be laid emphasis on. Although the method of film therapy has successfully proved itself in solving psychotherapeutic, developmental, and educational problems, the psychological impact mechanisms have not received enough focus, and the possibilities of film therapy in the development of personal potential are far from being fully employed.
Conclusion. Prospects for the development of this method are associated with the development of projective methods for investigating the unconscious implicit attitudes of the individual, which will increase the effectiveness of diagnostic work, and also the development of quasi-forming techniques of psychological impact on the human value sphere enhancing their personal potential and taking into account the actual development challenges of each age group.
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Keywords: art therapy; film therapy; a metaphor; identification; psychological impact mechanism; the realm of meanings and values; motherhood suggestion;
Available Online 01.08.2018
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