The paper is devoted to the dynamics of pithy features of student attitude to the political leaders over the past 10 years in Moscow, Russia. The research data in 2004 and 2014 are based on the method of semantic differential. The research involved the high school students of 10-11 grades, Moscow, Russia (80 individuals in 2004 and 110 individuals in 2014). The students got a list of political leaders, each of them they need to evaluate by a number of semantic features (scales). In both research the same set of 33 words describing various personality traits was used. In 2004 the list of political leaders was composed of the Soviet state’s leaders and the most popular political leaders of that time. In 2014 research, the list of politicians was partially preserved and supplemented because of the changed political situation in Russia. Also the 2014 list was extended with several foreign politicians’ names. The hypothesis of the study suggests that the generation of 2014, compared with the high school students of 2004 presupposes a more simple perception structure of the political leaders.
According to the results of the comparative analysis of the factors the following conclusions were made: 1) simplification of psychosemantic structure which was indicated by the decreased number of factors from 5 in 2004 to 4 in 2004, 2) in 2014 students there is no negative moral evaluation of intolerant manifestations of personality, 3) increased importance of moral characteristics in evaluating the activity and self-presentation of a political leader, 4) the value of power and intelligent characteristic increased.
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Keywords: political psychology; political socialization; semantic differential; attitude toward political leaders; generations;
Available Online 30.12.2016
Table 1. The structure of the highlighted factors for the subsample of high school male students, 2004
F1 «Openness» 25.1% |
F2 «Ascendance/Intelligence» 22.1% |
F3 «Tolerance/Intolerance» 19.5% |
F4 «Erudition/Narrow-Mindedness» 14.2% |
F5 «Slyness» 5.1% |
openness |
0,95 |
adherence to principles |
0,87 |
restraint |
0,79 |
erudition |
0,50 |
Slyness |
0,72 |
visual appeal |
0,83 |
0,85 |
tolerance |
0,72 |
wisdom |
0,46 |
straightforwardness |
0,79 |
prudence |
0,81 |
education |
0,44 |
honesty |
0,77 |
force |
0,76 |
wit |
0,70 |
intelligence |
0,65 |
competency |
0,68 |
masculinity |
0,64 |
ambition |
0,65 |
complexity |
0,64 |
reliability |
0,63 |
professionalism |
0,53 |
rudeness |
-0,82 |
narrow-mindedness |
-0,78 |
aggressiveness |
-0,80 |
self-interest |
-0,72 |
emotionality |
-0,74 |
superficialism |
-0,70 |
discourtesy |
-0,72 |
hypocrisy |
-0,58 |
immorality |
-0,67 |
viciousness |
-0,62 |
Table 2. The structure of the highlighted factors for the subsample of high school male students, 2014
F1' «Властность, интеллект/ Ограниченность» 27,2 % |
F2' «Нравственность/ Безнравственность» 23,6% |
F3' «Толерантность/ Интолерантность» 19,7% |
F4' «Честолюбие» 19,6% |
slyness |
0,87 |
honesty |
0,65 |
tolerance |
0,78 |
ambition |
0,75 |
complexity |
0,82 |
straightforwardness |
0,64 |
restraint |
0,72 |
openness |
0,59 |
prudence |
0,81 |
competency |
0,60 |
ascendance |
0,79 |
reliability |
0,58 |
professionalism |
0,69 |
visual appeal |
0,53 |
erudition |
0,68 |
masculinity |
0,67 |
adherence to principles |
0,66 |
intelligence |
0,64 |
wisdom |
0,62 |
force |
0,58 |
wit |
0,56 |
education |
0,55 |
narrow-mindedness |
-0,58 |
hypocrisy |
-0,88 |
aggressiveness |
-0,92 |
superficialism |
-0,53 |
self-interest |
-0,85 |
rudeness |
-0,89 |
immorality |
-0,67 |
emotionality |
-0,78 |
viciousness |
-0,64 |
discourtesy |
-0,60 |
Fig. 1. Transformation features of factor structures in assessing personal qualities of political leaders in high school male students, 2004 and 2014.
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