Our force is in unity
National Psychological Journal
2007. , 1.
p. 4-8
Family consulting — theory, practiceeducation
National Psychological Journal
2010. , 1.
p. 104-107
National Psychological Journal
2010. , 1.
p. 97-102
European psychological certificate EUROPSY
National Psychological Journal
2010. , 1.
p. 94-96
Criteria for ranking best universities in Russia
National Psychological Journal
2010. , 1.
p. 90-93
New Possibilities of Higher Psychological Education
National Psychological Journal
2010. , 1.
p. 86-89
Cooperative strategies in a competitive environment
National Psychological Journal
2010. , 1.
p. 80-85
Tattletelling phenomenon in primary school age
National Psychological Journal
2010. , 1.
p. 66-69
From style of activity to style of communication
National Psychological Journal
2010. , 1.
p. 63-65