ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
System of professional training for psychologists at the EMERCOM of Russia

System of professional training for psychologists at the EMERCOM of Russia

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 08/30/2022

Accepted: 09/30/2022

Published: 12/30/2022

Keywords: professional psychological selection; professionally important qualities; training system; psychogram; psychologist of the EMERCOM of Russia; training system; professional competencies

p.: 116–131

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2022.0411

Available online: 30.12.2022

To cite this article:

Shoigu, Yu.S. . System of professional training for psychologists at the EMERCOM of Russia. // National Psychological Journal 2022. 4. p.116–131. doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0411

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Issue 4, 2022

Shoigu, Yu.S. Center of Emergency Psychological Aid, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia


Background. The work is marked by high social significance as the task of preserving life, physical and mental health, and psychological well-being of both people affected by emergency situations and specialists who provide the aid is especially topical. Year by year the modern world demonstrates many threats, dangers, risks and presents new challenges to people in ordinary life as well as in professional activity. The complexity of psychologist’s professional activity at the EMERCOM of Russia, the peculiarities of working conditions, the high cost of an error determine the relationship between the complex, multi-level training system and the effectiveness of psychological assistance to emergency situation provided to victims and to the employees of the EMERCOM of Russia. 

Objective. The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between the requirements to profession and the system of specialist training; to describe the content and features of training at different stages of professional development. 

Results. The article presents long-term results of the development of an integrated system of training for psychologists at the EMERCOM of Russia. The system aims to improve and maintain the efficiency of activity, mental and physical health and professional longevity of a specialist. It includes participation of specialists in the implementation of higher professional education programmes at universities; development and implementation of professional psychological selection, taking into account the requirements for the personal qualities of a specialist and the psychogram of a psychologist at the EMERCOM of Russia; conducting a professional interview on theoretical and applied issues; providing adaptation for a specialist in the workplace through a developed system of mentoring, integration of a specialist into the service; introduction of a unified system of normative and methodological support for activities; implementation of the advanced training system and creation of conditions and opportunities for continuous improvement of professional skills. 

Conclusion. The training system of psychological service specialists is a complex, multi-level system of organizational and methodological measures. Its structure and features are determined by the requirements imposed by the conditions of professional activity. The ultimate goal of the specialists training in psychological service of the EMERCOM of Russia is to improve the quality of psychological assistance to the victims in emergency situations and to provide mental health, psychological well-being and professional longevity of psychologists.


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To cite this article:

Shoigu, Yu.S. . System of professional training for psychologists at the EMERCOM of Russia. // National Psychological Journal 2022. 4. p.116–131. doi: 10.11621/npj.2022.0411

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