ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
A new approach to anti-smoking: a psychophysiological analysis

A new approach to anti-smoking: a psychophysiological analysis

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 12/19/2013

Accepted: 12/26/2013

p.: 91-99

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2013.0212

Keywords: Galperin’s theory of development of higher mental functions; smoking; Zakharov’s method of quitting smoking; human brain; electroencephalography; autonomic nervous system

To cite this article:

Zakharov, Vyacheslav M., Korolev A.M., Chernorizov, А.М.. A new approach to anti-smoking: a psychophysiological analysis. // National Psychological Journal 2013. 1. p.91-99. doi: 10.11621/npj.2013.0212

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Issue 1, 2013

Zakharov, Vyacheslav M. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Korolev A.M. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Chernorizov, А.М. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article presents the results of a pilot psychophysiological research based on the analysis of changes of brain activity and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) of the human while giving up smoking using the method proposed by the Russian researcher V.M. Zakharov. The method is based on the theory of the gradual development of higher mental functions proposed by P.Ya. Galperin.

16 subjects (8 males and 8 females) took part in the psychophysiological experiments. In the analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG) spectral composition, the absolute values of alpha-rhythm powers (in electrodes O2-A2, O1-A1, P4-A2, P3-A1) and beta-rhythm (in electrodes F4-A2, F3-A1) were taken into account. ANS activity of was estimated on the basis of the electrocardiogram analysis. Participant’s functional state was valued according to the psychological testing procedure «Health, Energy, and Mood» (HEM). According to the results of the pilot study, it was revealed that the functional state of the nervous system (estimated by EEG and ANS parameters) and the subjective (psychological) state (evaluated according to HEM) during smoking and during quitting smoking depend not only on the duration of tobacco addiction, but also on the smoker’s attitude to the entire process of smoking. Cognitive activity during smoking (controlling the amount of smoked tobacco) looks like an “instrument” that returns to a smoker his/her original functional state of a «non-smoker» and thereby facilitates the process of giving up smoking. The obtained data are preliminary and require further clarification. Over the long term, they can be used to develop «psychological strategy» in smoking control.

To cite this article:

Zakharov, Vyacheslav M., Korolev A.M., Chernorizov, А.М.. A new approach to anti-smoking: a psychophysiological analysis. // National Psychological Journal 2013. 1. p.91-99. doi: 10.11621/npj.2013.0212

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