ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Subjective Well-Being of Students with Alexithymia in the Context of Development of their Emotional Competencies during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Subjective Well-Being of Students with Alexithymia in the Context of Development of their Emotional Competencies during the COVID-19 Pandemic

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 07/05/2022

Accepted: 10/31/2023

Published: 12/10/2023

Keywords: emotions; qualifications; well-being; communication; alexithymia; health; pandemic

Pages: 165-176

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2023.0414

Available online: 10.12.2023

To cite this article:

Belasheva Irina V., Pavel N. Ermakov (2023). Subjective Well-Being of Students with Alexithymia in the Context of Development of their Emotional Competencies during the COVID-19 Pandemic. National Psychological Journal, 18(4) , 165-176.

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Issue 4, 2023

Belasheva Irina V. North-Caucasus Federal University

Pavel N. Ermakov Southern Federal University


Background. The question of the dynamics of the subjective well-being of students with alexithymia, who represent a risk group for the emergence of maladaptive states in stressful conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, is considered in connection with their emotional competencies, reflecting the development of personal mechanisms for regulation (selfregulation) of emotions.

Objective. The goal is to study and access the impact of the pandemic situation on the subjective well-being of students with symptoms of alexithymia through their emotional competencies.

Methods. Toronto Alexithymia Scale by J. Taylor, Subjective Well-Being Scale by A.A. Rukavishnikov, emotional intelligence questionnaire by D.V. Lyusin, a technique for diagnosing emotional barriers in interpersonal communication by V.V. Boyko; Pearson r-test, Kruskal — Wallis H-test were applied.

Sample. The study was conducted at the North Caucasus Federal University during the pre-COVID period (2018) and during the pandemic (2021). The sample consisted of 120 students.

Results. As a result of a comparative analysis of signs of alexithymia, students found increased difficulties in describing feelings and externality of thinking during the pandemic. There were no significant differences in emotional barriers to communication before the pandemic and during the pandemic among alexithymics. A pronounced reluctance to get emotionally close to other people and a lower level of emotional effectiveness of communication, compared to students without alexithymia, were diagnosed in alexithymics both before and during the pandemic.

During the pandemic period, alexithymics have identified: negative dynamics in the ability to understand and manage their own emotions, a noticeable decrease in subjective well-being to a feeling of pronounced emotional discomfort, especially on the scale of the significance of the social environment; negative correlations between the general indicator of alexithymia and difficulties in describing feelings, on the one hand, and satisfaction with everyday life, self-esteem of health, mood stability, ability to manage one’s own emotions, on the other hand. Positive correlations with the control of emotional expression, depressive manifestations, absent-mindedness, drowsiness were also identified.

Conclusion. The situation of the pandemic had a pronounced negative impact on the subjective well-being of students with alexithymia, mediated by barriers of emotional rapprochement with other people characteristic of alexithymics and a low level of intrapersonal emotional competencies.


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To cite this article:

Belasheva Irina V., Pavel N. Ermakov. Subjective Well-Being of Students with Alexithymia in the Context of Development of their Emotional Competencies during the COVID-19 Pandemic. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 4. Pages165-176. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0414

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