ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
For Author

For Authors

National Psychological Journal is an all-Russian scientific information and analytical publication highlighting, achievements in modern psychological science and practice, and related sciences (education, philosophy, history, natural science, philology, political science, economics, medicine, cultural studies). The journal focuses on the development of relevant and in-depth knowledge concerning research indicative of promising methods and technologies in psychological practice.

The journal publishes original theoretical, analytical and empirical articles and reviews about topical issues in a variety of areas within the field of psychology. Key features of the published materials include research that exemplifies scientific and practical innovation.

The National Psychological Journal is an open access publication.

In the interest of supporting the global exchange of knowledge and in keeping with the Budapest Open Access Initiative, the editors of the journal provide direct open access to all materials immediately after their publication in order to increase the global exchange of knowledge. The authors of the journal are not charged for the publication of their works. Open access provides the opportunity to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or create links to the full text of articles.Therefore, journal articles are made available to the public under a Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

There are no fees for the journal's authors. Articles are not published on an expedited basis. All rights remain with the authors.

Manuscript Submission

National Psychological Journal accepts articles and reviews related to the key areas of research, methodological and educational work relevant to the Faculty of Psychology at Lomonosov Moscow State University. The journal considers publishing research from other scientific institutions and higher educational settings.

We focus reader’s attention on research of significant interest related to the following scientific fields:

  • 5.3. Psychological Sciences;
  • 5.8. Educational Sciences;
  • 5.12. Cognitive sciences

Manuscripts are submitted to the editorial board of the National Psychological Journal in electronic form at

Articles submitted to the editorial office of the journal must conform to the requirements outlined in the style file:

Documents required for manuscript submission

  1. An original article text must contain title, affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, text of the article, references, and information concerning each of the authors.
  2. In separate files, the source codes of illustrations (figures, diagrams) are to be sent in Excel format. Figures and diagrams are to be black and white only (white background). These illustrations are to be submitted in jpeg or tiff formats with a resolution of 300 dpi without compression.
  3. The title of the article, affiliation, abstract, keywords, full information about the authors, are required in two languages (Russian and English). 
  4. Scanned declaration on the absence of a conflict of interest, signed by all authors: See the Author's License Agreement
  5. The aforementioned list of documents is mandatory. In the absence of the listed materials, the editors reserve the right to reject the manuscript for publication.

    Before submitting an article, all stakeholders are encouraged to review the ethical principles, editorial ethics and the procedure for articles review process.

    The editorial board of the National Psychological Journal support the provisions outlined in the Declaration of Ethical Principles for Scientific Publishing based on the recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

    All submitted articles are checked using the Anti-Plagiarism system. Additional checks determine if the article previously appeared online. In cases of plagiarism, editors act in accordance with the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

    In cases where a withdrawal (retraction) of a publication, the journalobserves the recommendations of the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications for the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers "See Rules for retraction of an article from publication".

    Editors reserve the right to edit articles in order to make them concise and clear as well as ensuring they conform to the required style of the journal. From the point of view of scientific research, the author's perspective is respected and maintained, with all edits that may affect the terminology or meaning of the text approved by the author.