ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Nadezhda I. Chernetskaya

Nadezhda I. Chernetskaya

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Degree: Doctor of Psychology

Affiliation: Herzen State Pedagogical University

Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology of the Herzen State Pedagogical University (Saint Petersburg)

Actively cooperates with public organizations "Angara Association of Psychologists", " Children-angels "(public organization for parents of disabled children)

The author of more than 70 scientific publications, including 3 monographs, 24 articles in journals and publications of the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, several publications in English in foreign scientific publications. She has organized several scientific and practical psychological conferences, also she is the author of more than 30 publications in the local press on popular psychology.

St. Petersburg, Russia


Development of creative thinking in adolescents in the context of purpose-built training program
National Psychological Journal p. 102-109 2014. , 1.
Nadezhda I. Chernetskaya
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