ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Non-fiction pedagogy literature
National Psychological Journal p. 11-19 2013. , 4.
Yamburg Eugene A.
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The didactic meaning of A.N. Leontiev’s activity theory
National Psychological Journal p. 3-10 2013. , 4.
Samonenko, Yriy A. Zhiltsova, Ol'ga A. Samonenko, Il'ya Y.
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Emotional ties between siblings and attachment to the mother in adulthood
National Psychological Journal p. 54-60 2013. , 3.
Almazova, O.V.
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Surprise as a subject of research in social psychology
National Psychological Journal p. 47-53 2013. , 3.
Kutkovoy Nikolay A.
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The image of the Russian North. Shaping the notion the Russian North in modern geography and art
National Psychological Journal p. 42-46 2013. , 3.
Krasovskaya Tat'yana M.
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The image of the “typical Chinese person” and “typical Russian person”
National Psychological Journal p. 28-41 2013. , 3.
Marin Egor B. Kalita, V.V.
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Career choice of senior pupils in the context of the social situation of development.
National Psychological Journal p. 20-27 2013. , 3.
Aron, Irina S.
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Non-fiction pedagogy literature
National Psychological Journal p. 9-19 2013. , 3.
Yamburg Eugene A.
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Synaesthesia of natural development as a subject matter of the research in functional genomic paradigm
National Psychological Journal p. 3-8 2013. , 3.
Sidorov-Dorso Anton V.
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Cyberchondria: an independent phenomenon or the manifestation of hypochondriacal traits online?
National Psychological Journal p. 76-93 2022. , 1.
Nadezhda A. Rostovzeva Rasskazova, E.I. Tkhostov, A.Sh. Emelin, V.A.
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