ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828


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Features of experiencing psychological problems in deviant adolescents
National Psychological Journal p. 129-138 2017. , 4.
Belobrykina, Olga A. Limonchenko, Roman A.
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Group cohesion in sports teams of different professional level
National Psychological Journal p. 121-128 2017. , 4.
Devishvili, Vazha M. Mdivani, Marina O. Elgina, Daria S.
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Personal factors of moral responsibility in adolescence
National Psychological Journal p. 114-120 2017. , 4.
Molchanov Sergei V.
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Depression in infants and toddlers
National Psychological Journal p. 104-113 2017. , 4.
Kiseleva Mariya G.
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Improvement of psychological work in the system
National Psychological Journal p. 95-103 2017. , 4.
Kubyshko, Vladimir L.
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History of development and modern condition of modern Chinese military psychology
National Psychological Journal p. 83-94 2017. , 4.
Karayani, Yuliya M.
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Dispositional sexual motives as the mirror of values in heterosexual interpersonal relations
National Psychological Journal p. 75-82 2017. , 4.
Fourmanov, Igor A.
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Psychosemantic study of female visual perception of men.
National Psychological Journal p. 67-74 2017. , 4.
Petrenko V.F. Suprun Anatoliy P. Yanova, Natalia G.
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Models of the origin of the social loafing phenomenon
National Psychological Journal p. 57-66 2017. , 4.
Stratilat, Karina N.
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The Ingush’s cultural memory and social identity as a representative of repressed ethnic group
National Psychological Journal p. 45-56 2017. , 4.
Stefanenko, Tatiana G. Tumgoeva, Tanzila A. Kotova, Marina V.
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