Background. The increase in drug use in the population of Russia and representatives of the youth in particular is a vital issue that is controlled and monitored by the federal state. The rapid rise in drug use in young citizens requires a systematic analysis of the causes, study of criteria and assessment of predisposition for drug use, and also the development of programs to prevent drug addiction in adolescents.
Objective. Determination of the psychological predisposition of young men to psychoactive substances using the personality profile of the Multidisciplinary Method of Personality Inventory (MMPI).
Research Progress. The research was conducted between 2008 and 2010 on the basis of secondary comprehensive schools, cadet corps, secondary professional educational institutions and universities in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region, Russia. The sample included 338 males from 15-16 to 22-23 years old, whose average age is 17-18 years. The evaluation of information reported by applicants on the fact of presence / absence of psychoactive substance samples was made based on the results of the psychophysiological test using a polygraph.
Research Results. The results of the MMPI test were statistically analyzed according to the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test, and to a single-factor analysis of variance. The research results show that the scores of the F-scale in the MMPI profile of young males who used psychoactive substances reveal a statistically significant increase (p = 0.008), compared to those who did not use psychoactive substances. The single-factor analysis of the F- MMPI scale did not show a statistically significant difference (p = 0.128).
Conclusion. The paper proposes to consider an increase in the F-scale in the MMPI profile as an indicator of individual predisposition to use psychoactive substances, but not to consider an increase in its indices as a cause that affects primary psychoactive substances in adolescence. The results obtained can be used by practical and clinical psychologists when working with adolescents and youths.
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Keywords: psychoactive substances; psychophysiological investigation using a polygraph; reliability scale (F); late adolescence; psychological predisposition; drug abuse; addiction;
Available Online 01.08.2018
Fig 1. The MMPI average profile of the experimental group Experimental group
Fig 2. The MMPI average profile of the control group Control group
Table 1. (p) value in the Mann Whitney test for the MMPI test
MMPI Scale |
L |
F |
К |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
0 |
аэ |
59,9 |
52,6 |
56,8 |
48,3 |
48,3 |
52,1 |
51,7 |
46,9 |
43,3 |
50 |
49 |
62,9 |
41,5 |
ак |
62,2 |
50,3 |
58,5 |
47,6 |
47,8 |
52 |
52,6 |
48,8 |
44,8 |
50,3 |
49,1 |
61,9 |
42 |
Δ |
2,3 |
2,3 |
1,7 |
0.7 |
0,5 |
0,1 |
0,9 |
1,9 |
1,5 |
0,3 |
0,1 |
1,0 |
0,5 |
(р) |
0,23 |
0,008 |
0,06 |
0,66 |
0,27 |
0,35 |
0,96 |
0,3 |
0,47 |
0,58 |
0,94 |
0,53 |
0,41 |
Table 2. F-scale statistical analysis ('BioStat' 2009)
Sample 1 |
171 |
Sample 2 |
167 |
W1 Ranks Total (line 1) |
31358.5 |
W2 Ranks Total (line 2) |
25932.5 |
(р) value |
0.00821484 |
Table 3. Single-factor variance analysis of MMPI (F) value
SS |
Degrees of freedom |
MS |
F |
Value |
Between groups |
8,225 |
25 |
0,329 |
1,346 |
0,128 |
Within a group |
76,263 |
312 |
0,244 |
Total |
84,488 |
337 |
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