ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Relationship between the risk of suicidal behavior and personal resources of students

Relationship between the risk of suicidal behavior and personal resources of students

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 08/16/2022

Accepted: 11/01/2022

Published: 03/16/2023

Keywords: suicidal behavior; risk factors; protection factors; prevention of suicidal behavior in adolescents; personal resources; resilience

p.: 114-125

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2023.0110

Available online: 16.03.2023

To cite this article:

Vasyagina Nataliya N., Barinova Elena S. , Grigoryan Elena N., Shempeleva Natalia I. . Relationship between the risk of suicidal behavior and personal resources of students. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 1. p.114-125. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0110

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Issue 1, 2023

Vasyagina Nataliya N. Ural State Pedagogical University

Barinova Elena S. Ural State Pedagogical University

Grigoryan Elena N. Ural State Pedagogical University

Shempeleva Natalia I. Ural State Pedagogical University


Background. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in 2021 the number of teenage suicides in Russia increased by 20% compared to the years. Being caused by non-specific mechanisms of influence produced by a variety of barely controllable factors, both individual and interpersonal, and socio-economic, suicide among minors is one of the most serious problems requiring immediate solution. However, not every teenager who is under the influence of adverse factors develops anti-vital moods and develops the risk of suicidal behavior, and therefore it is an important task to determine the range of personal resources reflecting the psychological resistance of students to the adverse effects of various socio-psychological factors. 

Objective. The study focuses on the relationship between the risk factors of suicidal behavior in students and the protection factors (personal resources) that hinder its development. 

Sample. 260 students of general education organizations living in the Sverdlovsk region took part in the study. Of these, 144 are girls and 116 are boys aged 13 to 17. 

Methods. The “Suicide Risk Questionnaire” (modified by T.N. Razuvaeva) was applied to differentiate students by the level of suicidal risk. Diagnostics of personal resources was carried out with a test battery, including several techniques: “Resilience test” (S. Muddy, adapted by D.A. Leontiev, E.I. Rasskazova), resilience scales from the questionnaire “Anti-vitality and resilience” (O.A. Sagalakova, D.V. Turovtsev), methodology for determining the dominant state: a short version (L.V. Kulikov), Oxford Questionnaire of Happiness (M. Argyle, adapted by A.M. Golubeva, E.A. Dorosheva), questionnaire of emotional intelligence (N. Hall). 

Results. It is shown that with high indicators of resilience, engagement, control, risk-taking, positive self-image, life satisfaction and emotion management, low indicators of suicide risk are noted. With a decrease in the risks of demonstrative suicidal behavior, there is an increase in indicators of happiness, emotional awareness, self-motivation and emotional intelligence in general. Thus, our assumption that the higher the level of personal resources grows, the lower suicidal risks are, is confirmed. 

Conclusion. The results of the study indicate that the key personal resources of students that allow them to maintain psychological resistance to adverse environmental influences are resilience, emotional intelligence and optimism. The established relationship between personal resources and suicide risk can be used to develop effective primary prevention programs for suicide risk aimed at developing the personal potential of adolescents.


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To cite this article:

Vasyagina Nataliya N., Barinova Elena S. , Grigoryan Elena N., Shempeleva Natalia I. . Relationship between the risk of suicidal behavior and personal resources of students. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 1. p.114-125. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0110

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