ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
The problem of sensitivity to dangers: a review of research

The problem of sensitivity to dangers: a review of research

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 02/19/2021

Accepted: 03/15/2021

Published: 03/30/2021

Keywords: perception of dangers; sensitivity to danger; vigilance; types of response to dangers; factors influencing danger sensitivity

p.: 15-26

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2021.0102

Available online: 30.03.2021

To cite this article:

Maralov Vladimir G.. The problem of sensitivity to dangers: a review of research. // National Psychological Journal 2021. 1. p.15-26. doi: 10.11621/npj.2021.0102

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Issue 1, 2021

Maralov Vladimir G. Cherepovets State University


Background. Successful management of the tasks that have to do with ensuring people’s security in all situational contexts is dependent on how people deal with dangers. One of the most important aspects here is one’s susceptibility, or sensitivity, to dangers.

Objective. A review of the existing research; summing up and highlighting the most relevant scientific publications in the field of danger sensitivity in the last 25-30 years.

Design. The theoretical model used to assess danger sensitivity was the system-dynamic one that views security as activity (Zinchenko, 2011), while danger sensitivity is viewed as mediating factor of the influence that external causes produce on the inner state of a person (Kharlamenkova, 2013). The factor in question is determined by the experience of finding discrepancy between the expectations and the actual circumstances (Jonas, 2014). This approach guided the choice and analysis of literature on the problem of danger sensitivity.

Results. The research was reviewed and grouped in accordance with the following aspects: 1) danger sensitivity as ability to detect signals of danger; 2) danger sensitivity and vigilance; 3) danger sensitivity and types of response in dangerous situations; 4) correlation between danger sensitivity, external and internal factors.

Conclusion. The study reviewed the discussion topics having to do with the role and meaning of danger sensitivity in the context of people’s perception of danger and of the possibility to form such a perception. The conclusion made within the present study regards the importance and actuality of further research in the field of danger sensitivity as something relevant to solving the psychological problems of providing security.


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To cite this article:

Maralov Vladimir G.. The problem of sensitivity to dangers: a review of research. // National Psychological Journal 2021. 1. p.15-26. doi: 10.11621/npj.2021.0102

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