ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation of patients with memory impairments in amnestic syndrome as a result of brain damage of various etiologies

Neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation of patients with memory impairments in amnestic syndrome as a result of brain damage of various etiologies

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 06/03/2020

Accepted: 06/12/2020

Published: 12/30/2020

Keywords: clinical psychology; neuropsychology; memory impairment; amnestic syndrome; neuropsychological diagnostics; neuropsychological rehabilitation

Pages: 137-147

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2020.0411

Available online: 30.10.2020

To cite this article:

Baulina Maria E., Varako, N.A., Kovyazina, M.S. , Zinchenko, Yu.P. , Mikadze Yuri V., Skvortsov Anatolii A., Fufaeva Ekaterina V. (2020). Neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation of patients with memory impairments in amnestic syndrome as a result of brain damage of various etiologies. National Psychological Journal, (4) , 137-147.

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Issue 4, 2020

Baulina Maria E. Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research

Varako, N.A. Research Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research

Kovyazina, M.S. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Zinchenko, Yu.P. Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Mikadze Yuri V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Skvortsov Anatolii A. HSE University

Fufaeva Ekaterina V. Clinical and Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology


Background. Neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation are among the fundamental practical tasks facing a clinical psychologist. Today, rehabilitation goes beyond the usual framework in which it was 40–50 years ago. The course of the disease, stressful influences radically change the physical, psychological and social functioning of a person. It is the functioning of a person (and not the state of his functions) in new, often limiting living conditions that becomes an object in the modern rehabilitation system, which is a joint activity of the patient, his relatives and specialists of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team.

Objective: analysis and generalization of the diagnostic and rehabilitation experience accumulated in neuropsychological rehabilitation;identification of quality criteria for neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation of patients with memory impairments in case of brain damage, which should be followed by a practicing psychologist in the process of rehabilitation work.

Results. Based on the analysis of applied research and practical guidelines, the recommended diagnostic tools for detecting memory impairments are presentedand the main directions and effective methods of rehabilitation work in amnestic syndrome are highlighted. It is shown that different degrees of severity of a amnestic defect requires the choice of an appropriate direction of work in the process of neuropsychological rehabilitation: the formation of new mnestic means; the organization of “suggestive and reminiscent” environments and new strategies for behavior in this environment; general (non-specific) principles of restorative learning.

Conclusions. The presented material can serve as a “support” in the practical work of a clinical psychologist with patients with memory impairments and brain lesions.The text outlines the main directions of diagnostic and rehabilitation work which a practicing psychologist must be aware of.


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To cite this article:

Baulina Maria E., Varako, N.A., Kovyazina, M.S. , Zinchenko, Yu.P. , Mikadze Yuri V., Skvortsov Anatolii A., Fufaeva Ekaterina V.. Neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation of patients with memory impairments in amnestic syndrome as a result of brain damage of various etiologies. // National Psychological Journal 2020. 4. Pages137-147. doi: 10.11621/npj.2020.0411

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