ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Manifestation of the aggression in adolescents depending on gender and socio-economic status of the family

Manifestation of the aggression in adolescents depending on gender and socio-economic status of the family

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 02/21/2019

Accepted: 03/16/2019

Published: 04/30/2019

p.: 23-33

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2019.0103

Keywords: aggressiveness; hostility; family; social well-being; subjective economic well-being; adolescents; gender differences; constructive-spatial functions

Available online: 30.01.2019

To cite this article:

Rean, A.A., Konovalov, I.A.. Manifestation of the aggression in adolescents depending on gender and socio-economic status of the family. // National Psychological Journal 2019. 1. p.23-33. doi: 10.11621/npj.2019.0103

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Issue 1, 2019

Rean, A.A. Moscow Pedagogical State University

Konovalov, I.A. Moscow Pedagogical State University


Background. The issue of antisocial behaviour and adolescent aggressiveness are usually studied from the perspective of family psychological well-being. Social and economic inequality of contemporary families are important factors of cultural and historical context of the of modern adolescents’ developmental situation.

Objective. The paper provides an attempt of articulating the theoretical basis of adolescents’ aggression, i.e. family SES analysis. The paper is also dedicated to the research of differences in adolescents’ aggression indicators within gender- and family SES- groups spectrum.

Design. The research was conducted as an online survey in the public schools of Russian Federation. The present sample consisted of 883 respondents (59% were females, 41% were males). The average age was 16 years. Adolescents’ aggression was assessed by the short version of Buss-Durkey Inventory. Statistical analysis methods included Kruskall-Wallis test, T-test, Mann-Whitney test and factor analysis (maximum likelihood).

Results. The study revealed that differences in aggression indicators are mainly reflected in the subjective aspects of aggression (resentment and guilt), and also a general indicator of aggression depending on the socio-economic status of the family. Different levels of preparedness for physical aggression are shown by respondents from families in which only the father or only the mother works. Both females and males are prone to various manifestations of aggressiveness. Differences in indicators of aggression in the context of cultural capital and the socio-economic status of the family are reflected mainly in the subjective aspects of aggression.

Conclusion. Statistically speaking, the differences obtained are quite significant, but from an absolute point of view they are extremely small. The indicators of socio-economic well-being of a family are related to adolescent aggression indirectly, with psychological characteristics being the key point. Specific features of the relationship between parents and the child, features of educational practices preferred by parents, features of family organization, etc. Economic well-being appear only a condition that facilitates or, conversely, complicates the implementation of educational practices adopted in the family. The major role belongs to the activity of both parents and children. A further research is required to verify the latter.

Table 1. Percentage of respondents from cities with different populations


Respondents, per cent

Less than 100,000 prs


From 100,000 prs to 500,000 prs


From 500,000 prs to 1,000,000 prs

12 %

Over 1,000,000 prs


Table 2. Factor load distribution (maximum likelihood method, promax rotation)


Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3

1. Sometimes I can’t cope with the desire to harm someone.



2. If I get angry, I can hit someone.




3. If someone annoys me, I am ready to tell them my piece of mind.


4. I often threaten people without having an intention to carry out the threat.


5. I can remember when I was so angry that I grabbed whatever came to my hand and broke it.


6. When I don't like the rule I want to break it



7. When people make themselves out to be bosses I do my best so as they do not put on airs.


8. I get irritated easily, but I calm down easily.



9. I often feel like a powder keg ready to explode.



10. I’m worried about people who treat me more friendly than I expect.


11. I used to think that most people tell the truth, but now I don’t believe it.




12. Sometimes envy gnaws me, although I do not show it.




13. Sometimes I feel that life does not treat me fairly.


14. I do a lot of things that I regret afterwards.


15. The feeling that I do little for my parents makes me sad 



16. I often think that I live inappropriate life.


Fig. 1. Differences in average factor values (Factor 1) depending on the gender of the respondents

Fig. 2. Differences in average factor values (Factor 2) depending on the gender of the respondents

Fig. 3. Difference in the “Suspicion” indicator depending on the gender of the respondents

Fig. 4. Difference in the “Irritation” indicator depending on the gender of the respondents

Fig. 5. Differences in the “Suspicion” indicator depending on the presence of higher education among the parents of respondents

Fig. 6. Difference in readiness for physical aggression depending on the availability of work for parents of respondents.

Fig. 7. Differences in average factor values (Factor 1) depending on higher education of the parents of respondents

Fig. 8. Differences in the “Offense” indicator depending on the financial status of the family

Figure 9. Differences in the indicator “Feeling of Guilt” depending of the family financial status

Figure 10. Differences in overall aggression depending of the family financial status


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To cite this article:

Rean, A.A., Konovalov, I.A.. Manifestation of the aggression in adolescents depending on gender and socio-economic status of the family. // National Psychological Journal 2019. 1. p.23-33. doi: 10.11621/npj.2019.0103

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