ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
From social cognition to social epistemology (in memory of G.M. Andreeva).

From social cognition to social epistemology (in memory of G.M. Andreeva).

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 09/02/2016

Accepted: 09/10/2016

Published: 11/30/2016

p.: 76-85

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2016.0311

Keywords: Social cognition; social epistemology; mass consciousness; individuality and society; language and discourse; social categorization and classification

Available online: 30.11.2016

To cite this article:

Khoroshilov, D.A. . From social cognition to social epistemology (in memory of G.M. Andreeva).. // National Psychological Journal 2016. 3. p.76-85. doi: 10.11621/npj.2016.0311

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Issue 3, 2016

Khoroshilov, D.A. Russian State University For The Humanities


This paper is dedicated to scientific and literary heritage of Galina M. Andreeva. The methodology of social cognition, for more than half a century developed by Galina M. Andreeva as a tool of social analysis, is discussed. The problem of social cognition, first indicated by V. Turner, Z. Bauman and M. Mamardashvili, is analysed in terms of mentalization, interpersonal interaction and mass consciousness. Based on G. Andreeva’s theoretical research, the correlation between micro-processes of individual cognition construction and macro-processes of society in communication, dialogue and discourse is proved.

The issue of finding the correct definition of a group, mass or public consciousness epistemological status is taken as a result of an old trend toward anthropomorphizing the collective cognition subject. This impedes the correlation between personality and society in psychology, meaning “agency” and “structure” in sociology. G.Andreeva discusses the last one, connecting cognitive psychology, social constructionism and activity theory.

Theoretical assumptions of social cognition as the process of world image construction are formulated as follows: 1) presumption of general knowledge; 2) active constructive nature; 3) categorization and classification as the basic process; 4) the relationship between discourse and cognition; 5) emotionality; 6) critical orientation; 7) prospective for the clinical analysis of sociocultural realities.

With respect to the abovementioned facts, it can be said that the ideas of scientific school founded by Galina М. Andreeva allow to innovatively define social psychology as a modern social and cultural epistemology.


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To cite this article:

Khoroshilov, D.A. . From social cognition to social epistemology (in memory of G.M. Andreeva).. // National Psychological Journal 2016. 3. p.76-85. doi: 10.11621/npj.2016.0311

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