Recieved: 05/27/2016
Accepted: 06/08/2016
Published: 08/30/2016
p.: 84-93
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2016.0208
Keywords: value-motivational sphere of adolescent personalit; psychoemotional tension; value orientations (VO)
Available online: 30.08.2016
Podolskiy, Andrei I., Idobaeva Olga A. . Connections of contemporary adolescents value orientations with psychological characteristics of their teachers and parents. // National Psychological Journal 2016. 2. p.84-93. doi: 10.11621/npj.2016.0208
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CopyThe article presents the results of a large-scale study of value-motivational orientation identity of adolescents living in various regions of the Russian Federation in connection with the characteristics of the social situation of development (family, school). The data obtained in the study allows to identify the most appropriate formation procedures aimed at development of adolescent orientation in value aspects of social relations. Such concepts as morality, value orientations are increasingly used in describing the development trends in society, forming the worldview of the younger generation; the relevant questions are: how is the process of formation of human moral values going; what factors determine the direction and dynamics of this process? The study involved 2731 teenager (46.1% male, 53.9% female) from different regions of the Russian Federation (total 6 sites); 937 parents of adolescents; 125 teachers. Every site included 2 cities, distinguished by population and by status (one of the city is a regional capital). The identified connections of value orientations of students with various psychological characteristics of teachers and parents tell about the adverse trends in the formation of value-moral spheres of adolescents and bring to the fore the problem of working with these characteristics.
Figure 1. Mean values for all values for all samples in the order of value decreasing
Table 1. Significance of differences in adolescent estimates of the 8th and 10th grade
Value |
8 / 10 |
U |
P |
Conformity |
708128,5 |
,000 |
Tradition |
757922,0 |
,000 |
Kindness |
Universalism |
738043,5 |
,004 |
Self-Dependence |
732868,0 |
,000 |
Agitation |
757584,5 |
,000 |
Hedonism |
821380,5 |
,015 |
Achievement |
759182,0 |
,008 |
Power |
727248,5 |
,000 |
Security |
779383,0 |
,001 |
Table 2. Significance of differences in valuation by males and females
Value |
Males / Females |
U |
P |
Conformity |
Tradition |
809022,5 |
,007 |
Kindness |
697467,5 |
,000 |
Universalism |
717203,0 |
,000 |
Self-Dependence |
Agitation |
Hedonism |
Achievement |
Power |
620288,5 |
,000 |
Security |
Table 3. Links of various characteristics of emotional stress, personal and reactive anxiety in teachers.
Life Contentment |
Contentment with Living Conditions |
Sphere of Life |
Stress Level |
Reactive Anxiety |
S |
-,641 |
-,399 |
-,455 |
,482 |
p |
,000 |
,000 |
,000 |
,000 |
Personal Anxiety |
S |
-,624 |
-,305 |
-,525 |
,737 |
p |
,000 |
,000 |
,000 |
,000 |
Figure 2. Mean values of adolescent estimates of all value sites including «Tradition». «Kindness». «Hedonism» and «Security»
Table 4. Links of various characteristics of mental and emotional stress, personal and reactive anxiety in teachers with adolescent values.
Value Conformity |
Value raditions |
Value Kindness |
Value Self-Dependence |
Contentment with Teacher’s Life |
S |
-,667 |
,650 |
P |
,050 |
,058 |
Teacher’s Contentment with Sphere of Life |
S |
,762 |
P |
,017 |
Reactive Anxiety |
S |
,600 |
-,617 |
P |
,088 |
,077 |
Table 5. Links of various characteristics of life orientations in teachers with adolescent values
Value Conformity (Adolescents) |
Value Kindness (Adolescents) |
Value Self-Dependence (Adolescents) |
Value Hedonism (Adolescents) |
Value Power (Adolescents) |
Value Security (Adolescents) |
Goals in life (teacher) |
S |
-,659 |
-,695 |
P |
,076 |
,056 |
Life Process (teacher) |
S |
-,707 |
P |
,050 |
Life Results (teacherя) |
S |
,976 |
,714 |
P |
,000 |
,047 |
I-Locus of Control (teacher) |
S |
-,714 |
P |
,047 |
Locus of Control – Life (teacher) |
S |
,690 |
-,647 |
-,683 |
P |
,058 |
,083 |
,062 |
Total Index of Life Values (teacher) |
S |
,643 |
-,719 |
P |
,086 |
,045 |
Table 6. Communication characteristics of emotional stress, personal and reactive anxiety in mothers with adolescents rated values.
Value Kindness |
Value Agitation |
Value Hedonism |
Value Achievements |
Value Power |
Value Security |
Contentment with Life Conditions |
S |
-,084 |
-,076 |
-,097 |
-,109 |
-,076 |
P |
,004 |
,066 |
,022 |
,010 |
,068 |
Sphere of Life |
S |
-,099 |
P |
,019 |
Stress Levуl |
S |
-,092 |
,094 |
P |
,025 |
,023 |
Reactive Anxiety |
S |
,082 |
P |
,050 |
Table 7. Links of various characteristics of emotional stress, personal and reactive anxiety in fathers with adolescent rated values.
Value Kindness |
Contentment with Life |
S |
,133 |
p |
,028 |
Stress Level |
S |
-,122 |
p |
,044 |
Reactive Anxiety |
S |
-,114 |
p |
,064 |
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Podolskiy, Andrei I., Idobaeva Olga A. . Connections of contemporary adolescents value orientations with psychological characteristics of their teachers and parents. // National Psychological Journal 2016. 2. p.84-93. doi: 10.11621/npj.2016.0208
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