Recieved: 11/02/2015
Accepted: 11/27/2015
Published: 12/31/2015
p.: 130-140
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2015.0413
Keywords: procrastination; “active” procrastination; “passive” procrastination; academic procrastination
Available online: 31.12.2015
Barabanshchikova, V.V., Marusanova Galina I.. Perspectives for research of the procrastination phenomenon in professional work. // National Psychological Journal 2015. 4. p.130-140. doi: 10.11621/npj.2015.0413
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CopyThe paper describes the current state of the procrastination phenomenon in professional work, reviews the basic unexplored aspects in this area, and highlights the promising areas of scientific analysis. The survey of the existing literature periodization shows that the quantity of researches devoted to procrastination is growing exponentially every year. In spite of a pronounced research interest in this construct, in native and foreign psychological science procrastination phenomenon in the professional work is represented insufficiently. Firstly, there is no common and generally accepted definition of procrastination (Corkin, Yu, Lindt, 2011; Steel, 2010; Krause, Freund, 2014), that suggests that there is a deep terminological crisis in this area. Secondly, the characteristic of delaying the implementation of the elements of workload is represented only by the example of a fairly narrow range of professional activities, which makes it relevant to study the specificity of the differentiated functioning of the phenomenon on the material of a wide range of professions. Thirdly, in psychology there are no information about the peculiarities of the so-called “active” procrastination manifestations in professional activity, which is the tendency of conscious assignments delaying to achieve the optimum final result (Chu, Choi, 2005; Choi, Moran, 2009). Fourthly, there is an acute shortage of standardized psychodiagnostic tools to evaluate this phenomenon in work (most of the existing methods have been tested on samples of students and are aimed at identifying academic procrastination). In the fifth place, there are no science-based allocation of methods of coping with destructive manifestations of the psychological strategy of the job functions postponement in a professional work.
Table 1. Statistical summary of scientific publications on the phenomenon of procrastination, as of 1985-2015 by decade
Time period |
before 1985 |
1985 - 1995 |
1995 - 2005 |
2005 - 2015 |
Number of Publications, % |
1.1 |
6.8 |
26.1 |
66 |
Table 2. Statistical summary of scientific publications on the phenomenon of procrastination, as of 1985-2015 by lustrum
Time period |
1980-1985 |
1985-1990 |
1990-1995 |
1995-2000 |
2000-2005 |
2005-2010 |
2010-2015 |
Number of Publications, % |
1.1 |
2.3 |
4.5 |
10.2 |
15.9 |
23.9 |
42.1 |
Table 3. Research features of procrastination phenomenon in the labour force
Job Position |
Occupation |
Research Drection, Bibliographic Reference |
Sphere of Education |
Experts |
Teachers of High School |
Features and causes of procrastination in pedagogical activity (Seo, 2012) |
Procrastination relationship with occupational stress (Van Wyk, 2004) |
The relationship of procrastination, occupational stress (as an intermediate variable) and job satisfaction (Mohsin, Ayub, 2014) |
Managerial Personnel |
School Principal and School Deputy Principal |
The relationship between procrastination and decision-making styles (Ugurlu, 2013) |
College Administration (Management) |
The relationship of behavioural tendencies to procrastination with self-esteem and a tendency to perfectionism (Ying, 2012) |
Other Professional Spheres |
Experts |
IT-specialists, members of virtual project teams |
The relationship between the propensity for procrastination and the level of severity of occupational stress (Barabanshhikova, Kaminskaja, 2013) |
Management |
Managers and heads of IT- companies and financial institutions |
The degree of procrastination in reference with the time perspective of personality types (Parsons, Soucie, 1988) |
Administration of the governing bodies of the physical culture and sport |
Features of functioning of procrastination phenomenon in connection with the specific management activities (Gupta, Hershey, Gaur, 2012) |
Table 4. Comparative characteristic features of «passive» and «active» procrastination
"Passive" procrastination |
"Active" procrastination |
The initial absence of intention to delay the execution of affairs |
Awareness of capabilities of timely treatment to the assignment |
Delaying the solution of problems due to the inability to make quick decisions |
Conscious postponement of doing things with a view to focusing on the most important and priority |
Table 5. Comparative characteristics of the psychological features of people who are prone to the «passive» or «active» procrastination, and individuals who do not display a tendency to procrastination
"Passive" Procrastinator |
"Active" Procrastinator |
"Non-Procrastinator" |
Time Control |
Shallow focus of spending time;The low level of interim control |
The targeted time management; The high level of temporary control |
- |
High value of personal level of control time |
Low Value of personal level of control time |
High level of time structuring |
Low level of time structuring |
Self-efficacy |
Relatively low levels of self-efficacy assessment |
High levels of self-efficacy assessment |
Motivational Orientation |
Severe expression of extrinsic motivation activities |
- |
Low expression of extrinsic motivation activities |
Coping Strategies with Sress |
Low utilization of coping strategies, stress management, goal-oriented |
Using the productive coping goal- oriented and stress management strategies |
Using avoidance strategies in stressful situations |
Low degree of using avoidance strategies in stressful situations |
Individual Characteristics |
Low levels of satisfaction with life; Expressing feelings of stress and depression; Low GPA |
The high level of satisfaction with life; Low levels of depression and stress; High GPA |
Table 6. Ordering the techniques aimed at diagnosing of procrastination
Designation method |
Author Board |
Year of Publication |
Sample Characteristics |
Original Techniques and Methods |
Aitken Procrastination Inventory (API) |
M.E. Aitken |
1982 |
College Students |
Procrastination Log - Behavior |
F.G. Lopez, C.A. Wambach |
1982 |
University Students |
Procrastination Assessment Scale - Student (PASS) |
L.J. Solomon, E.D. Rothblum |
1984 |
College Students |
Procrastination Self-Statement Inventory (PSSI) |
P.R. Grecco |
1984 |
University Students |
General Procrastination Scale (GPS) |
C. Lay |
1986 |
College Students |
Adult Inventory of Procrastination (AIP) |
W.G. McCown, J.L. Johnson |
1989 |
University Students |
Test Procrastination Questionnaire (TPQ) |
P. Kalechstein, D. Hocevar, J.W. Zimmer, M. Kalechstein |
1989 |
University Students |
Tuckman Procrastination Scale (TPS) |
B.W. Tuckman |
1991 |
College Students |
Academic Procrastination State Inventory (APSI) |
H.C. Schouwenburg |
1995 |
University Students |
Academic Procrastination Scale (APS) |
N. Milgram, Y. Toubiana |
1999 |
Adolescents (Age: 13-16 years) and their parents * |
Active Procrastination Scale (APS) |
J.N. Choi, S.V. Moran |
2009 |
University Students |
Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) |
P. Steel |
2010 |
Adolescents (Mean age - 14 years) |
The Russian-Language Adaptation |
General Procrastination Scale (GPS) |
C. Lay (Adaptation by О.С. Windeker, M.V. Ostanina) |
1986 (2014) |
University Students |
Procrastination Assessment Scale - Student (PASS) |
L.J. Solomon, E.D. Rothblum (Adaptation by M.V. Zvereva) |
1984 (2015) |
Females and males, age: 18-25 years, education is not lower than complete secondary education |
* Parents of participants were offered to recall possible procrastination events from their childhood |
Fig. 1. Specific features of procrastination manifestations in various activities
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Barabanshchikova, V.V., Marusanova Galina I.. Perspectives for research of the procrastination phenomenon in professional work. // National Psychological Journal 2015. 4. p.130-140. doi: 10.11621/npj.2015.0413
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