ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Determination of logical thinking through the prism of postnonclassical paradigm

Determination of logical thinking through the prism of postnonclassical paradigm

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 05/27/2015

Accepted: 06/20/2015

Published: 12/31/2015

Pages: 13-22

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2015.0402

Keywords: self-organization and self-developing systems; postnonclassical determination model; cognitive development; logic thinking development; training; development

Available online: 31.12.2015

To cite this article:

Pogozhina, Irina N. (2015). Determination of logical thinking through the prism of postnonclassical paradigm. National Psychological Journal, (4) , 13-22.

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Issue 4, 2015

Pogozhina, Irina N. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The aim of this study is to analyse the cognitive processes functioning and development. Nevertheless, another particular goal is to analyse logical thinking functioning and development. Within this research they are analysed as the open nonequilibrium self-developing systems whose behaviour is determined by the complex inter-relationships between external and internal determinants.

Three groups of factors, which should be included in any postnonclassical determination model, are represented by three groups of research objectives: 1) studying intrinsic laws of cognitive mental processes (and structure) functioning and developing as an integrated system; describing its equilibrium (relatively stable) and nonequilibrium conditions; 2) studying the interrelationship of the external and internal determinants, dynamic and statistic types of causal relationships in the cognitive operation and development processes in equilibrium and nonequilibrium phases; 3) studying the influence of the external determinants and describing the cognitive system change mechanisms during its transfer process to a new level of development.

This approach clarifies and complicates the conventional perspective of the relationship between learning and development, whereas the mental processes development is deemed as exclusively determined either from outside (training) or from inside (development). Within this approach it is possible to describe in detail the working mechanisms of the so-called «zone of proximal development».

As a result of theoretical analysis, all three research tasks groups are specified using logical thinking development context. A hypothesis states that the content of objects and knowledge about objects, which are determined by the cultural and social environment and which are imparted in the training process, may be the external cause of forming and developing thinking of a human individual (its composition and structure). Moreover, the content of objects and knowledge about objects may launch self-organization process of the logical thinking system elements in accordance with its potential for self-development.

Design of experimental verification of the proposed determination model efficacy is described in details and theoretically justified using the development material of the preschoolers logical thinking.

Fig. 1 Determination model of formation and development of logical thinking as a whole


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To cite this article:

Pogozhina, Irina N.. Determination of logical thinking through the prism of postnonclassical paradigm. // National Psychological Journal 2015. 4. Pages13-22. doi: 10.11621/npj.2015.0402

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