Recieved: 06/30/2015
Accepted: 08/12/2015
Published: 11/15/2015
Pages: 91-104
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2015.0310
Keywords: procrastination; professional distortions; individual and team sports; sportsperson
Available online: 15.11.2015
Barabanshchikova, V.V., Ostanina, Maria V., Klimova, Oxana A. (2015). Procrastination phenomenon in the activities of athletes of individual and team sports.. National Psychological Journal, (3) , 91-104.
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CopyThe modern world imposes strict conditions on people in various types of activities. A huge amount of processed information, tight timelines and other factors may cause people’s inability to cope with their tasks. Thus, there is a popular habit to put off the work without thinking about the consequences. This trait called procrastination is inherent to a million people all over the world. The problem of procrastination is just beginning to develop in Russia. Nowadays lots of foreign research and foreign questionnaires are being translated and approbated. The aim of this research is to identify the level of athletes’ procrastination, and define the differences of procrastination patterns in individual and team sports athletes. Also we want to study the relationship between procrastination and athletes’ personal characteristics such as extroversion, neuroticism, control over the actions, motivation to success, anxiety, time perspective and decision-making style (coping), and also indicators of state anxiety using a sample of individual athletes (boxing, unarmed self-defence, judo, karate, kickboxing, wrestling, taekwondo) and teams (hockey, football, volleyball). Correlation analysis shows structural differences of procrastination manifestations in different types of sport. Regression analysis shows that in athletes of individual sports (model: p = 0,002, adjusted R2 = 0,368) there is only one significant predictor of procrastination - the negative past (p = 0,007, β = 0,495).
The negative past (p = 0,003, β = 0,463), the control over the planning of the action (p = 0,05, β = -0.220) and the monitoring of the implementation of the action (p = 0,003, β = -0,465) are the predictors of procrastination in team sports (model: p = 0,002, adjusred R2 = 0,368).
Occupation |
Males |
Females |
General Sample |
Quantity |
Average Age |
Quantity |
Average Age |
Quantity |
Average Age |
Individual Sport |
21 |
18,3 |
12 |
20,82 |
33 |
19,19 |
Team Sport |
28 |
18,86 |
12 |
17,25 |
40 |
18,38 |
Students |
8 |
21 |
24 |
21,3 |
32 |
21,25 |
Methods |
Scale (Index) |
Description |
Tuckman Procrastination Scale |
Procrastination |
Tendency to procrastinate |
Kuhl Action Control Scale |
Decision-related action orientation |
The ability of the subject to be distracted from defective competing intentions and other irrelevant, interfering information (Kuhl, 1994а). |
Performance related action orientation |
The ability of the subject to implement the necessary intention to keep the focus of current intention, to persevere (Kuhl, 1994а).
Failure-related action orientation |
The ability of the subject to initiate the process of implementation intentions despite difficulties (Kuhl, 1994а). |
Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire (MDMQ)
Vigilance |
The main stylistic characteristics of a person as the decision-maker is associated with cognitive complexity, the need for knowledge and tolerance of uncertainty. Goals and objectives of the decision, consideration of alternatives associated with the search for information, assimilating "without prejudice" and evaluation of the choice (Kornilova, 2013). |
Procrastination |
Procrastination (Kornilova, 2013). |
Avoidance |
Avoidance of independent decision-making, shifting responsibility and rationalization of dubious alternatives (Kornilova, 2013). |
Hypervigilance |
Unjustified hesitating between different alternatives, impulsive decision, promising to get rid of the situation. In extreme forms panic when choosing between alternatives (Kornilova, 2013). |
Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) |
Past-Positive |
Expresses the degree of acceptance of his/her own past in which every experience is experience, contributing to the development and led to the current state. |
Expresses the degree of rejection of the past, disgusting, full of pain and frustration (Zimbardo, 1999). |
Future |
Expresses individual goals and plans for the future (Zimbardo, 1999). |
Future-Fatalistic |
It is seen as independent of the will of the individual, initially predefined and personality, i.e. the fate of the slave (Zimbardo, 1999). |
Present-Hedonistic |
The present seems detached from the past and the future, the only o is pleasure (Zimbardo, 1999). |
Scales |
Individual Athletes (n=33) |
Team Athletes (n=40) |
Students (n=32) |
Mean (mean deviation) |
Mean (mean deviation) |
Mean (mean deviation) |
Procrastination |
89,48 (12,17) |
97,13 (9,33) |
96,06 (16,90) |
Failure-related action orientation |
5,15 (2,46) |
4,72 (1,83) |
5,81 (2,70) |
Decision-related action orientation |
6,24 (2,36) |
5,27 (2,66) |
5,53 (2,57) |
Performance related action orientation |
7,36 (2,50) |
6,88 (3,25) |
7,90 (2,88) |
Vigilance |
14,97 (2,11) |
14,33 (2,15) |
14,94 (3,20) |
Procrastination |
10,66 (2,01) |
10,15 (3,66) |
10,31 (3,81) |
Avoidance |
8 (1,80) |
8,02 (2,08) |
9,03 (3,45) |
Hypervigilance |
8,81 (1,78) |
8,95 (2,29) |
9 (2,82) |
Past-Positive |
2,53 (0,67) |
3,06 (0,74) |
2,42 (0,74) |
Past-Negative |
3,42 (0,60) |
3,48 (0,81) |
3,09 (0,94) |
Future |
3,68 (0,50) |
3,48 (0,78) |
3,60 (0,68) |
Future-Fatalistic |
3,97 (0,52) |
3,41 (0,88) |
3,67 (0,68) |
Present-Hedonistic |
2,91 (0,76) |
2,76 (0,61) |
2,75 (0,80) |
Scales |
Individual Athletes |
Team Athletes |
Уровень значимости (P) |
Mean (mean deviation) |
Mean (mean deviation) |
Procrastination |
89,48 (12,17) |
97,13 (9,33) |
0,003 |
Failure-related action orientation |
5,15 (2,46) |
4,72 (1,83) |
0,446 |
Decision-related action orientation |
6,24 (2,36) |
5,27 (2,66) |
0,115 |
Performance related action orientation |
7,36 (2,50) |
6,88 (3,25) |
0,522 |
Vigilance |
14,97 (2,11) |
14,33 (2,15) |
0,170 |
Avoidance |
10,66 (2,01) |
10,15 (3,66) |
0,680 |
Procrastination (coping) |
8 (1,80) |
8,02 ( 2,08) |
0,915 |
Hypervigilance |
8,81 (1,78) |
8,95 (2,29) |
0,653 |
Past-Negative |
2,53 (0,67) |
3,06 (0,74) |
0,010 |
Present-Hedonistic |
3,42 (0,60) |
3,48 (0,81) |
0,516 |
Future |
3,68 (0,50) |
3,48 (0,78) |
0,216 |
Past-Positive |
3,97 (0,52) |
3,41 (0,88) |
0,002 |
Future-Fatalistic |
2,91 (0,76) |
2,76 (0,61) |
0,602 |
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Barabanshchikova, V.V., Ostanina, Maria V., Klimova, Oxana A. . Procrastination phenomenon in the activities of athletes of individual and team sports.. // National Psychological Journal 2015. 3. Pages91-104. doi: 10.11621/npj.2015.0310
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