ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Studies of the body image in various psychological approaches.

Studies of the body image in various psychological approaches.

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 04/08/2015

Accepted: 04/26/2015

Published: 11/15/2015

p.: 45-55

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2015.0305

Keywords: physicality; distortion of body image; psychological self; body schema

Available online: 15.11.2015

To cite this article:

Ailamazyan Aida M., Kaminskaya, Natalia A. . Studies of the body image in various psychological approaches.. // National Psychological Journal 2015. 3. p.45-55. doi: 10.11621/npj.2015.0305

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Issue 3, 2015

Ailamazyan Aida M. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Kaminskaya, Natalia A. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)


The paper aims to systematize modern concepts of body image and body scheme. For the analysis of theoretical models the following criteria were allocated: explication of the mechanism underlying the formation and restructuring of body image, development of certain aspects of body image which are explained by the presented concepts. Separately the issue of the difference between the body scheme and the body image is discussed that seems relevant in connection with the specific features of the neural mechanisms of body image. In the study of the phenomenological level of bodily experience the assumption that the body scheme is fragmented and has no hierarchical structure is considered. Significant differences in viewing basic mechanisms of developing the body image associated with attention to various bodily phenomena are showed. Psychodynamic, cognitive, socio-cultural, feminist and interdisciplinary approaches are analyzed, which permitted to identify mechanisms of integration-differentiation, cognitive generalization and internalization-introjection. The analysis suggests the consideration of the body image in the context of issues on the appropriation of the body. If person is considered as a tool for shaping and maintening integration of mental processes, the patterns of interconnected and interdependent changes in the processes that occur in the construction of the image of the external situation and the body image acquires a special psychological meaning. It becomes necessary to allocate correctly the structure of the integrating object in which the subject is involved during the normal course of life, and in exceptional cases, i.e. in the presence of physical defects, the sudden change of appearance, etc. These development objects determine specific form of body image and its possible distortions.


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To cite this article:

Ailamazyan Aida M., Kaminskaya, Natalia A. . Studies of the body image in various psychological approaches.. // National Psychological Journal 2015. 3. p.45-55. doi: 10.11621/npj.2015.0305

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