Recieved: 05/26/2015
Accepted: 06/02/2015
Published: 11/15/2015
Pages: 15-23
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2015.0302
Keywords: subjective sensory experience; psyche ; image; awareness; object; subject; subject conditions of behavioural space (field of action) of the subject
Available online: 15.11.2015
Ivannikov, V.A. (2015). On the nature and origin of the human psyche.. National Psychological Journal, (3) , 15-23.
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CopyThe paper analyzes the problem of the origin of the human psyche. Some assumptions about the nature of human psyche are introduced, the main element of the latter to be deemed as subjective sensory experience, which is carrying out a role of a building material to generate an image of subject conditions of behavioral space of the acting agent and the role of the sensual language by which the subject describes his/her environment. The features of the physical, biological and psychological reflection and behaviour management based on the physical, biological and psychological processes are given particular analysis. Mental reflection is deemed as the subject discovering his/her reflection of his/her behavioural space (his field of adaptive behaviour). The impossibility of constructing the image of objective conditions of the field of action as a result of transformation of primary traces the interaction of the environment and the receiving system (analyzer) of a living being is shown. The role of perceiving the subject’s activity in constructing the image of the object and the feeling of the adequate perception of the environment is emphasized.
The notion of “consciousness” is analyzed. First of all, consciousness is understood as a special form of psyche which occurs only to humans. The second interpretation is most common in Soviet psychology, within which consciousness is considered a product of human social life. The third meaning consists in understanding consciousness as cognitive and transformative (constructive) human activity that creates new conditions of life.
Herewith consciousness is the highest level of world cognition, whereas a person is an ideal (i.e. perfect) subject of cognition and transforming activity.
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Ivannikov, V.A.. On the nature and origin of the human psyche.. // National Psychological Journal 2015. 3. Pages15-23. doi: 10.11621/npj.2015.0302
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