ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
The psychologist is a helping trade

The psychologist is a helping trade

PDF (Rus)

Pages: 7-9

Keywords: interview

To cite this article:

Tsvetkova, L.A. (2006). The psychologist is a helping trade. National Psychological Journal, (1) , 7-9.

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Issue 1, 2006

Tsvetkova, L.A. Herzen State Pedagogical University


Interview with Larissa A. Tsvetkovoj, Candidate of psychological sciences, Dean of faculty of Psychology of the St.-Petersburg state university. Vice-President of Russian Psychological Society.

To cite this article:

Tsvetkova, L.A. . The psychologist is a helping trade. // National Psychological Journal 2006. 1. Pages7-9. doi:

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