ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Drawing in Psychological Diagnostics and Art Therapy

Drawing in Psychological Diagnostics and Art Therapy

PDF (Rus)

p.: 132-136

Keywords: psychodiagnostics; drawing as a psychodiagnostic tool; drawing in art therapy

To cite this article:

Lebedevа, Ludmila D. . Drawing in Psychological Diagnostics and Art Therapy. // National Psychological Journal 2007. 1. p.132-136.

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Issue 1, 2007

Lebedevа, Ludmila D.


The pictorial image in this article is regarded as a professional tool that helps the psychologist to identify individual psychological characteristics and provide psychotherapeutic help. The art techniques with the use of drawing, developed and tested by the author on the basis of the Department of Education of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, are presented.

To cite this article:

Lebedevа, Ludmila D. . Drawing in Psychological Diagnostics and Art Therapy. // National Psychological Journal 2007. 1. p.132-136. doi:

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