ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Effect of imagination on the results of sport activity of novice football players

Effect of imagination on the results of sport activity of novice football players

PDF (Rus)

p.: 131-135

Keywords: mental imagery; imagination; psychological preparation of athletes; sports psychology; tests of movement skill; SIQ

To cite this article:

Veraksa, A.N., Gorovaya (Igolkina) Alexandra E.. Effect of imagination on the results of sport activity of novice football players. // National Psychological Journal 2010. 2. p.131-135.

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Issue 2, 2010

Veraksa, A.N. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Gorovaya (Igolkina) Alexandra E. Lomonosov Moscow State University


This article describes the connections between the use of types of mental imagery by athletes and the level of their imagination. Basing on the model of imagery use proposed by K.Martin, S. Moritz and C.Hall the authors used a Russian version of "The Sport Imagery Questionnaire" (SIQ) with soccer players 8, 10 and 14 years old. The data shows that subjects with a higher level of imagination are more inclined to use mental imagery in their practice; the age differences in types of imagery usage are shown.

To cite this article:

Veraksa, A.N., Gorovaya (Igolkina) Alexandra E.. Effect of imagination on the results of sport activity of novice football players. // National Psychological Journal 2010. 2. p.131-135. doi:

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