Pages: 6-11
Keywords: cultural-historical environment; the relationship of social change and features of child development; psychophysiological features of the modern child; informal groups of children; cognitive development; ; emotional development; moral development; pathology of development; age limit of childhood; deviant behavior in children and adolescent; Internet
Feldshtein, David I. (2010). A changing child in a changing world: psychological and educational problems of the new school. National Psychological Journal, (2) , 6-11.
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CopyMain socio"cultural changes in modern society are outlined. Their influence on personality development of children and adolescents is revealed. The features of contemporary children due to evolutionary morphological transformations of human are discussed. The problems that comes from these processes to the psychological and pedagogical theory and practice, especially in the modern school, are described.
Feldshtein, David I.. A changing child in a changing world: psychological and educational problems of the new school. // National Psychological Journal 2010. 2. Pages6-11. doi:
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