ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
"Flower Drawing of Family Members" projective technique in psychological counseling

"Flower Drawing of Family Members" projective technique in psychological counseling

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p.: 133-137

Keywords: tests; drawing tests; projective techniques; psychodiagnostics; psychocorrection

To cite this article:

Lebedevа, Ludmila D. . "Flower Drawing of Family Members" projective technique in psychological counseling. // National Psychological Journal 2011. 1. p.133-137.

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Issue 1, 2011

Lebedevа, Ludmila D.


The diagnostic value of the drawing tests in psychological diagnosis is considered. Projective technique "Flower Drawing of Family Members" is an original method, which can be used as a mild humane technique of psychological diagnostics.

To cite this article:

Lebedevа, Ludmila D. . "Flower Drawing of Family Members" projective technique in psychological counseling. // National Psychological Journal 2011. 1. p.133-137. doi:

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