Pages: 98-111
Keywords: terrorism ; tolerance; intolerance; xenophobia; migrant phobia; psychological safety; psychological traits of a terrorist; personal identity; motivation of terrorist activities
Zinchenko, Yu.P. , Soldatova, G.U., Shaigerova, L.A. (2011). Act of Terrorism as an extreme situation in the risk society. National Psychological Journal, (2) , 98-111.
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CopyThe nature of terrorism as an extreme situation in modern risk society of is analysed. The interconnection between terrorism and xenophobia, discrimination and the spread of intolerance attitudes are shown. Possible ways of searching for effective measures to manage xenophobia risk, combating the ideology of terrorism and accepting tolerance as an essential basis of interaction between individuals and groups in society.
Zinchenko, Yu.P. , Soldatova, G.U., Shaigerova, L.A. . Act of Terrorism as an extreme situation in the risk society. // National Psychological Journal 2011. 2. Pages98-111. doi:
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