ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Homo Xenophobicus: us-them psychology

Homo Xenophobicus: us-them psychology

PDF (Rus)

Pages: 40-45

Keywords: xenophobia; “us-them”; “I-concept"; science phobia; national and religious hatred; xenophobic thinking; fear; mass consciousness; self-consciousness; self-worth

To cite this article:

Kagan, Viktor E. (2011). Homo Xenophobicus: us-them psychology. National Psychological Journal, (2) , 40-45.

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Issue 2, 2011

Kagan, Viktor E.


The phenomenon of xenophobia is analysed comprehensively. Its distribution at different historical stages of human development is traced. Considerable attention is paid to the psychological component of the xenophobic consciousness.

To cite this article:

Kagan, Viktor E. . Homo Xenophobicus: us-them psychology. // National Psychological Journal 2011. 2. Pages40-45. doi:

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