ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Psychologist in the system of preschool education: the English version

Psychologist in the system of preschool education: the English version

PDF (Rus)

Pages: 124-131

Keywords: preschool education in England; formalized training; developing training; pre-school psychologist; educator; program development of preschool children in England

To cite this article:

Chesnokova, Olga B., Eugene V. Subbotsky (2012). Psychologist in the system of preschool education: the English version. National Psychological Journal, (2) , 124-131.

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Issue 2, 2012

Chesnokova, Olga B. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Eugene V. Subbotsky Lancaster University


In this article the authors, without setting a special aim of the comparative analysis of the history and current state of the Russian and English pre-school and primary education (in England schooling starts at 4 years age, in Russia – at 6-7 years age), describe the logic of the transition from pre-school to the school education system, analyzing how, by whom and by what professional organisations in England psychological problems of transition are solved.

To cite this article:

Chesnokova, Olga B., Eugene V. Subbotsky. Psychologist in the system of preschool education: the English version. // National Psychological Journal 2012. 2. Pages124-131. doi:

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