ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Copyright in psychodiagnostics

Copyright in psychodiagnostics

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 12/27/2012

Accepted: 01/18/2013

Pages: 71-76

DOI: 2079-6617/2013.0109

Keywords: psychodiagnostics; copyright objects; techniques; copyright objects; free use; work for hire

To cite this article:

Morgunova, Elena A. (2013). Copyright in psychodiagnostics. National Psychological Journal, (1) , 71-76.

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Issue 1, 2013

Morgunova, Elena A. Lomonosov Moscow State University


This paper considers the issues of copyright protection of intellectual property, produced and consumed in the area of psychology as psychological diagnostics. Getting to the consideration of copyright in psychodiagnostics, the author finds it necessary to focus on the very concept of copyright and its forms, and then, based on this knowledge, to turn to the analysis of the intellectual activity used in psychodiagnostics.

Considerable attention is given to the review and analysis of the concept of copyright as a case of intellectual property created in the psycho-diagnostics, and also classification of copyright objects and the order of their consumption in scientific, educational and law enforcement researchers and psychologists. Much attention is paid to the legal protection of works produced by foreign scientists and official development psychologists. Basic copyright and compliance mechanisms for the consumption of tests, questionnaires, techniques, computer programs, etc. are described. Cases of free use of works made for hire in psychological diagnostics are provided. A difficult problem of protecting creative art is analyzed. From this position, various aspects of the concept are considered. Depending on the fact whether the newly created work is based on products that existed before, it is possible to distinguish an original, derivative, or compiled product. The original is a work within which every form element is created by a particular author or authors without borrowed elements.

To cite this article:

Morgunova, Elena A. . Copyright in psychodiagnostics. // National Psychological Journal 2013. 1. Pages71-76. doi: 2079-6617/2013.0109

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