ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Postnonclassical methodology in clinical psychology: Vygotsky–Luria school

Postnonclassical methodology in clinical psychology: Vygotsky–Luria school

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Pages: 32-45

Keywords: types of scientific rationality; postnonclassical epistemology; self-developing system; cultural historical concept; psychological syndrome analysis; psychological syndrome

To cite this article:

Pervicheko, Elena I., Zinchenko, Yu.P. (2012). Postnonclassical methodology in clinical psychology: Vygotsky–Luria school. National Psychological Journal, (2) , 32-45.

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Issue 2, 2012

Pervicheko, Elena I. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Zinchenko, Yu.P. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research


The subject of this paper is to discuss the possibility of the applying modern philosophical concepts which allow to distinguish between types of scientific rationality (classical, nonclassical and postnonclassical), to elicit the theoretical and methodological principles of the functioning and development of clinical psychology. The work reveals that the basic provisions of Vygotsky’s cultural historical theory.

The methodology of Vygotsky-Luria syndrome approach commenced postnonclassical model of scientific rationality with postnonclassical vision and psychological research method, as well as with postnonclassical thinking of researchers. It was objectified, that the works of Vygotsky and Luria articulated general methodological requirements for organized study of the human psyche, which generally correspond to the requirements put forward by modern science as necessary to deal with complex self-developing systems. Certain argument have been found to prove that according to Vygotsky-Luria syndrome approach, psychological syndromes are described as dynamic structures that acquire the qualities of self-control, selforganization, self-determination and adaptive appropriateness, which give reason to consider them as open self-developing systems.

To cite this article:

Pervicheko, Elena I., Zinchenko, Yu.P. . Postnonclassical methodology in clinical psychology: Vygotsky–Luria school. // National Psychological Journal 2012. 2. Pages32-45. doi:

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