Pages: 58 - 63
Keywords: EuroPsy; competence; professional education; mobility; quality standards
Lunt Ingrid Cecilia (2012). EuroPsy European Diploma in Psychology: standards development for higher levels of professional psychological education. National Psychological Journal, (2) , 58 - 63.
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CopyThe article gives a brief history of EuroPsy European initiative to develop standards for the highest level of psychological education which began in 1998 and is now at the stage of completion in those European countries that are members of the European Federation of Psychological Associations (EFPA). EuroPsy is defined as the standard of professional education, which aims to improve the quality of education and professional practice of psychologists. The initiative under consideration was actively supported both in the EU and also outside Europe, in particular in the framework of the so-called Bologna process. Political background of the Bologna process, however, is a clearly expressed desire is to increase mobility. The desire for professional mobility is not always easily associated with commitment to quality and a high level of education, as well as alleged efforts to protect the interests of the client or consumer. The report gives an idea of certain complex issues and potential difficulties in the development of EuroPsy.
Lunt Ingrid Cecilia. EuroPsy European Diploma in Psychology: standards development for higher levels of professional psychological education. // National Psychological Journal 2012. 2. Pages58 - 63. doi:
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