Recieved: 02/10/2024
Accepted: 09/16/2024
Published: 12/02/2024
Keywords: cognitive training; mobile application; memory and attention training
p.: 176-188
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2024.0412
Available online: 02.12.2024
Marchenko, E.V., Issar, A.D.. Use of Mobile Applications for Memory and Attention Training in Extreme Profile Specialists (Firefighters as an Example). // National Psychological Journal 2024. 4. p.176-188. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0412
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CopyRelevance. Cognitive functions are professionally important qualities, which are an essential part of professional requirements to specialists of extreme profile. Firefighters have to remember building plans of protected objects and their characteristics, focus on incoming information, work in multi-tasking mode, etc. These functions can be reduced under the influence of a professional stress and age-related changes. Thus, it is important for specialists to maintain and develop them.
Objective. The aim is to explore possibilities for training certain attention properties of extreme profile specialists by means of mobile applications.
Study Participants. 80 specialists of Federal Firefighting Service, EMERCOM of Russia, who perform the duties of inspection and provide fire protection of Government buildings, took part in the research. Their age ranged from 24 to 37 years (М = 30, ơ = 3.53); work experience was more than three years; 26 women and 64 men participated.
Methods. The forming experiment as well as methods “Landolt Ring”, “Numerical Square”, “Münsterberg’s Test”, “Memory for Numbers”, “Methods of Studying Spatial Visual Memory” (Diagnostics of Cognition, 2020) were used to assess the effectiveness of a mobile application and change in indicators of attention and memory.
Results. Certain indicators of attention and memory increased for those who practiced using a mobile application (the scope of attention, its sustainability, distribution, and selectiveness; the scope of short-term memory and spatial visual memory) and for those who perform their usual duty (the scope of attention, its sustainability, distribution, and selectiveness). However, the comparison of improvements in both groups showed more significant difference in the indicators for the scope of attention, its span, sustainability, distribution and selectiveness, the scope of short-term memory, and the level of visual-spatial memory.
Conclusions. Regular cognitive training with a mobile application proved effective. However, performing professional duty by firefighters also helps maintain those processes.
Practical application. The results of the research were used as a part of psychological training for EMERCOM of Russia specialists. They may also be used as an effective instrument for cognitive training.
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Marchenko, E.V., Issar, A.D.. Use of Mobile Applications for Memory and Attention Training in Extreme Profile Specialists (Firefighters as an Example). // National Psychological Journal 2024. 4. p.176-188. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0412
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