Recieved: 06/24/2024
Accepted: 10/24/2024
Published: 12/02/2024
Keywords: aggression; aggressiveness; self-esteem; self-efficacy; life satisfaction; maladaptive coping
p.: 114-131
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2024.0408
Available online: 02.12.2024
Rean, A.A., Shevchenko, A.O., Stavtsev, A.A., Konovalov, I.A., Kuzmin, R.G.. Aggressiveness Traits as Predictive Factors for the Components of the Wellbeing of Young People. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 4. p.114-131. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0408
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CopyBackground. Aggression and aggressiveness as properties of personality are certainly among the most destructive phenomena. It is therefore topical to study the relationship between the parameters of psychological wellbeing and aggression in the personality structure of young students.
Objective. The goal is to study the relationship of aggression with life satisfaction, self-esteem and self-efficacy of young people in the Russian Federation.
Methods. Buss-Perry’s aggression questionnaire, E. Diener’s Life Satisfaction questionnaire, Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Scale (RSE) and Schwarzer-Jerusalem General Self-efficacy scale (GSE). Correlation and linear regression analyses were used to process the obtained results.
Study Participants. The study involved 1398 respondents, mean age of the subjects was 20.2 (min. — 17, max. — 30), 1033 female and 365 male subjects.
Results. Upon analysing the general patterns of linear regression and correlation, it was found that not all scales had similar trends: in some cases, the relationships between “Life Satisfaction”, “Self-Esteem” and “Self-Efficacy” and aggressiveness scales were non-linear. It was found that the influence of aggressiveness scales on level-groups — “Life Satisfaction”, “Self-esteem” and “Self-efficacy” — were not equivalent to the results of general trends. Thus, the general pattern was that “Hostility” was a negative predictor of all three criteria of personality wellbeing: self-esteem, self-efficacy and life satisfaction. Regression analysis showed a U–shaped relationship between the scale “Physical Aggression” and Self-Efficacy. “Verbal aggression” was a significant predictor for low scores of Self-esteem and Self-efficacy.
Conclusions. “Hostility” is a universal predictor (negative) in almost all cases and level-groups of wellbeing. “Verbal aggression” can be a positive predictor of “Self-Esteem” growth only in the group of subjects with low self-efficacy, also it can act as a predictor of self-efficacy growth in the group of subjects with low self-efficacy values. “Physical aggression” is a significant predictor in the groups with high and low values of self-efficacy. The revealed patterns demonstrate the complexity of aggression. In addition, in certain cases, manifestations of aggression can be an effective mechanism of imaginary adaptation of the personality, however, in the long term, this overlaps the possibility of full systemic adaptation for the subject.
Funding. The study has been supported by Russian Science Foundation (RSF), project No. 24-18-00389, Social psychological and systemic-physiological markers of mental well-being and prosocial behaviour of young people.
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Rean, A.A., Shevchenko, A.O., Stavtsev, A.A., Konovalov, I.A., Kuzmin, R.G.. Aggressiveness Traits as Predictive Factors for the Components of the Wellbeing of Young People. // National Psychological Journal 2024. 4. p.114-131. doi: 10.11621/npj.2024.0408
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