ISSN 2079-6617
eISSN 2309-9828
Assessment of Imagination in Senior Preschoolers by Educators

Assessment of Imagination in Senior Preschoolers by Educators

PDF (Rus)

Recieved: 03/09/2023

Accepted: 11/01/2023

Published: 12/10/2023

Keywords: preschool age; imagination; creativity; flexibility; originality; elaboration; fluency; drawing figures; kindergartener

Pages: 148-164

DOI: 10.11621/npj.2023.0413

Available online: 10.12.2023

To cite this article:

Bukhalenkova, D.A. , Almazova, O.V., Gavrilova, M.N. (2023). Assessment of Imagination in Senior Preschoolers by Educators. National Psychological Journal, 18(4) , 148-164.

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Issue 4, 2023

Bukhalenkova, D.A. Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Almazova, O.V. Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Gavrilova, M.N. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research


Abstract and development of imagination in preschoolers for their harmonious development and further successful schooling.

Objective. The aim of the study was to develop a questionnaire for kindergarteners aimed at assessing the imagination in preschoolers.

Methods. As a part of this study, a questionnaire to assess the characteristics of imagination in preschoolers was developed, which included 22 statements about children behavior, which teachers had to evaluate on a 5-point scale. Also, with a part of the sample, the “Complete the Drawing” technique was carried out.

Sample. In the study, educators assessed 553 pupils of senior groups (M = 65.3; SD = 4.03 months; 48.1% of boys) attending kindergartens in 4 regions of Russia (38,2% of children from Moscow, 32,7% from the Tatarstan Republic, 20,4% from the Sakha Republic, 8,7% from the Perm Region).

Results. As a result of the statistical analysis, a three-factor structure of the created questionnaire was revealed. It was found that educators rate the level of imagination development higher in girls than in boys. Comparison of teachers’ assessments with the results of children’s imagination assessment using the “Complete the Drawing” technique showed the relationship with such parameters of drawings as flexibility, originality and elaboration.

Conclusion. The study showed the reliability of the developed questionnaire for educators, which indicates the possibility of its use in monitoring the development of modern senior preschoolers.


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To cite this article:

Bukhalenkova, D.A. , Almazova, O.V., Gavrilova, M.N.. Assessment of Imagination in Senior Preschoolers by Educators. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 4. Pages148-164. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0413

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