Recieved: 08/18/2023
Accepted: 11/07/2023
Published: 12/07/2023
Keywords: digitalization of professional activity; psychological adaptation; risks of digitalization in professional sphere; dispositional optimism
p.: 3-15
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2023.0401
Available online: 07.12.2023
Karabanova, O.A. , Tikhomandrytskaya, O.A. , Molchanov, S.V. . Psychological Adaptation of Adults with Different Levels of Dispositional Optimism to the Risks of Digitalization in Professional Activity. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 4. p.3-15. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0401
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CopyBackground. The rapid pace of digitalization of economy and professional spheres as well as the necessity to identify possible psychological risks of digitalization of professional activity, predictors, conditions, and factors for successful psychological adaptation defined the relevance of the study.
Objective. The goal of the study is to investigate the individual psychological adaptation to the risks of digitalization in professional activity. The tasks included studying personality adaptation to the risks associated with changes in professional activities due to digitalization as well as individual’s dispositional optimism as a predictor of adaptation to digitalization in professional activity.
Methods. The author’s questionnaire of psychological adaptation to digitalization in the professional field, the test of dispositional optimism (TDO-P) in the version of Gordeeva T.O., Osin E.N. and Sycheva O.A.; test of socio-psychological adaptation of Rogers — Diamond in the adaptation of A.K. Osnitsky were applied in the study.
Sample. The sample consisted of 311 subjects aged 17 to 49 years.
Results. The reliability and construct validity of the author’s questionnaire were confirmed. Positive acceptance of digitalization of professional activity by respondents was revealed. The predominance of low adaptation signs associated with the image of professional future in its semantic and target content was found, as compared to the signs of the operational side of digitalization in the profession — mastering new technologies and forms of cooperation. Three types of adaptation to digital risks have been empirically identified and described.
Conclusions. The risks of digitalization in professional activity are associated with the uncertainty of the image of the professional future, difficulties in adapting to changes and a sense of professional incompetence. Dispositional optimism, as the basis for a positive perception of the future, can be considered as a predictor for the success of an individual’s adaptation to digitalization in professional sphere.
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Karabanova, O.A. , Tikhomandrytskaya, O.A. , Molchanov, S.V. . Psychological Adaptation of Adults with Different Levels of Dispositional Optimism to the Risks of Digitalization in Professional Activity. // National Psychological Journal 2023. 4. p.3-15. doi: 10.11621/npj.2023.0401
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